Unilever Business Plan

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Unilever Business Plan

Executive Summary

Unilever is a multinational based in British-Dutch and is a consumer dealing in the consumer goods. The basic products of the company comprise if beverages, foods, personal care products and cleaning agents. It is the third-largest company providing the consumer goods in the fast moving consumer goods industry and is ranked as the largest ice cream across the globe (CBSNews, 2010). The company, Unilever, was initiated on January 1, 1930 by Samuel van den Bergh, Antonius Johannes Jurgens, and William Hulme Lever (Palgrave, 2010, pp.269-273). The merger of the business functions of Dutch margarine producer Margarine Unie and British soap maker Lever Brothers created a stable business sense, when margarines had its primary raw material as palm oil, and there could be larger quantities of efficient imports of soaps. The company, in 1911, obtained an allowance for the 750,000 hectares of forest in Belgian Congo, mostly south of Bandundu, where a system of forced labor operated.

The new unit would establish a brand concept which would entail both the athletic apparel and skin care by using a blend of various distribution channels. Unilever would need some cash outlays to finance the expansion of the product unit and the brand, along with the company's position for an IPO (Abrahamson, 2004, pp.123-1139). This report presents the company with a proposal to establish a new business unit in the same industry. Thus, the company is suggested to move towards the diversification strategy in terms of its products and business units' expansion. The company's mission would be to establish the cosmetic business unit as a significant brand which symbolizes and embodies superior quality in the segment of skin care, accessories, fitness and apparel. The company visualizes itself to be the sole provider of the quality products, at reasonable prices and ease of reach. It views itself to be working with the best manpower, application of innovative technology, and excellent measures to deal with quality control mad product logistics (Bartunek, 1988, pp.139-149).

Unilever will develop its body and skin care products and produce them at its contract facilities in California and France. Unilever, for its new business unit, will engage a distinct market position. There is no other brand that presents an expertise in the product line which comprises of fitness apparel, skin care, accessories and cosmetics. Since Unilever is a blend of wholesale and retail business, the company's strategy to target its potential customer will be classified into two distinctive groups, the reseller and the end user. Company's potential customer or end user will be aged between 24 and 65. Unilever will formulate it strategy of market positioning by applying the blend of the retail strategy which entails the strategy of wholesale distribution with a day spa for the new business unit (Beer, 2000, pp.111-117).

The company will acquire the validity in order to attain easy access to the broad distribution and make the payments for the brands of spa. Unilever can market its products through providing the customers ...
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