Unification Of Security And Compliance Management

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Unification of Security and Compliance Management


GRC is a relatively new term that encompasses a set of interrelated processes and activities designed to assess and manage risk and compliance. It supports and protects knowledge management functions such as enterprise content management (ECM) and collaboration. The ultimate goal is to maintain or improve organizational performance, while minimizing vulnerability to adverse events. (Robert, 2011, pp 23-67)

A considerable portion of GRC is IT-related because many business risks result from potential data loss, violation of privacy regulations or other IT-centric hazards. Other types of risks such as the impact of political instability on product markets exist primarily outside of the IT environment, but also require management. Software solutions for various aspects of GRC help standardize the governance processes and provide reporting capability that facilitates monitoring of performance, risk and compliance. In many departments, there is often a gap between authorized and documented the changes and the practical application of these changes. McAfee Change Control bridges this gap: the solution provides a real-time visibility of changes, the establishment of responsibility in the validation of changes and implementation strategies based on technology in order to avoid possible changes undesirable or unauthorized.

Security First

One of IT's biggest challenges is to secure corporate resources against a variety of potential risks, including theft, unauthorized access, and infection stemming from the spread of malware. While infection is not nearly as prevalent on mobile platforms as it is on the desktop, there is a growing concerted effort by miscreants to exploit the exploding popularity of mobile devices both to generally access web-based applications, and to interact with corporate resources.

Thus, eGestalt launches secure GRC, an Innovative Cloud-Based service offering that unifies information security and regulatory Compliance.

The problems of data privacy and regulatory compliance

Compliance is a costly, complex and constantly changing process, which, however, does not in itself guarantee full safety data of the company. The situation is complicated by problems such as targeted attacks, distributed environment, staff mobility and development of new technologies; including the "cloud" computing and IT focus on the user. Monitoring and protection of private data presented a daunting task, but it can be resolved (Bonazzi, pp. 391-398).

Changes in threats over the past two years

The risk increased due to the exposure of sensitive information to third parties and the data was also improperly protected in transit. Data breaches and cybercrimes were also on the rise in 2009, 92% of the organizations have experiences such attacks which had not only stolen customers' data but also held organization responsible for that lost data (Layton, pp 11-45).

In 2011, companies are more vulnerable to the security threats because these threats have affected their e-business greatly. Some of the major threats to businesses at the current time include nation-sponsored hacking, insider threats, man in the browser attacks, data loss, cloud security, hackers and criminal networks.

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