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United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund



UNICEF is a programs focused on providing humanitarian and development services to the children and their mothers in the developing countries. The organization is a part of the United Nations, headquartered in United States of America. The program was initiated from the World War II that created a huge impact on various countries. The program was focused on providing emergency health care and food to the children in those countries which were devastated and highly affected with the war. The firm has been highly participating in programs and activities that facilitate the children all around the world (Suen 2002, pp. 04). The paper has discussed the strategy of UNICEF related to these factors by mainly focusing on the operations of the organization, the way it is responding better than the other non-profit organizations in the current scenario, and relationships the organization has established with its customers or clients.

The paper is based on an investigation on the policies and activities of UNICEF, mainly focusing on its operations, response to competition, and relationships with clients.


UNICEF is a non-profit organization that is aimed to serve the needs of the health care and education of the children, a program under the United Nations. The organization was established in the year 1946, from the consequences of the devastating World War II. The firm relies on the government and private donors to meet the fund requirements which are further on allocated to the program to facilitate the children all over the globe. The organization is accountable to the government and has been formed by the collaboration of many countries, which are a part of the United Nations (Khalegian 2005, pp. 183). UNICEF is the force that is driving and helping in building the rights of the children all over the globe. The organization has shown great concern for the children over years and has the global authority for taking decisions related to the children. The organization is in collaboration in various other organizations who add up to the uniqueness in the programs of UNICEF, and apart this UNICEF has an influence over these organizations in making decisions. This makes the organization unique from other and unique to work with the young ones (UNICEF 2010, pp. 28).

Operations of UNICEF

UNICEF believes that development and care for children are the keystones of human progress. UNICEF was made with this determination in mind to work with people and organizations to overcome the problems that scarcity, poverty, violence, illness and discrimination takes in the child's path. The operations of UNICEF involve in contributing together for the purpose of humanity and aims to advocate the measure that provide the children with better life. The reason is that proper care and concern for the children is one of the most common elements (Jones 2006, pp. 591). We support for measures to offer children the best start in their lives, because proper health care at the earliest age forms the toughest foundation for a person's ...
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