Undertaking A Learning Needs Analysis

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Undertaking a Learning Needs Analysis

Undertaking a Learning Needs Analysis



Learning is essential in achieving business objectives and for improving organization overall performance. It removes the gap that being created between organization's current capabilities and actually required to deliver the business results.

A learning need arises when there is a gap between actual performance being given and actual performance required. Required level can be further sub-divided into two parts: where performance has fallen or not up to mark as per standard required, or where all together new performance required.

Reasons for need of Learning and development

Learning need arises differently among individual, groups and organization:

Organization need for learning arises due to changing legislature requirements, technology enhancement and development

Group or teams need learning in due of new specifications or as a result of changing requirements

Individual needs because of low performance or in case of starting a new job, or a transfer, promotion or secondment requiring more skills

Methods for identifying learning and development need

There are several methods for identifying learning and development needs, among which some of the commonly used methods are as follows:

Questionnaires and Survey - Through interviews and specially develop documents used to gather facts, opinions, recommendations and outcomes from people, who are being in aware of their actions and tending towards sharing them.

Observations - Data collection is being through one or more skilled people are engaged in watching and accessing others performing jobs and tasks, where overall task is observable and people are not to contribute verbally.

Performance appraisals- Strength and weaknesses of an individual is being indentified through their interviews by trained managers and sometimes peers, who actually use past, perceived and actual job performance information.

Methods for training and developing individuals and group

Following are the two methods for training and developing individuals:

On the Job Training- Manager's are ...
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