Understanding The Laws In Society

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Understanding the Laws in Society

Understanding the Laws in Society

Question: 1

Kitsap Edward E. Scott, a naval officer, was arrested in the case of rape attempt. In investigation, it was revealed that Mr. Scott had sexual conversation with the child and wanted to perform illegal activities with him. In addition, he also demanded from child to perform sexual activities. According to the Model Penal Code, an entrapment is the one who encourages the other person to commit a crime otherwise this person this person might not commit the crime (Robinson, 2012). Scott cannot enjoy defense of entrapment against the criminal liability because he had admitted his crime before the court. Furthermore, he has encouraged and also facilitated to the child for prohibited activities in the hotel. There are two tests which are mostly employed by the judges e.g. subjective and objective. In the subjective test, the focus is on the mind of criminal. However, in the objective test judges are putting more burdens on the defendant by showing proof that they had not encouraged the offenders. On the contrary, he admitted his guilt so he may receive defense of entrapment.Question: 2

In United States, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the governmental agency which is held responsible to make clean environment. There is a barrage of congressional regulations which first of time introduced in the period of President of Nixon (Copeland et al, 2010). These regulations bound greenhouse gas emission, improve the course of streams, quality of soil, plant life, quality of water, standard of wildlife habitats and recreational locations. There are various penalties for the violation of EPA, and there is receivable sum of $252 million as a criminal or civil penalty. are divided under three headings. Civil Administration Action; this kind of action is taken when matter is not too much serious. It is nonjudicial, EPA administration warns for misappropriate action or order for clean up to the individuals, entities or Business Company. Civil Judicious Action; this is formal lawsuit that is filed in court against those companies which are not complying the EPA statutory requirements. Criminal Actions; this kind of action is action is taken when there is a serious situation. The imposition of fines or imprisonment depends upon the severity of violation by the party.Question: 3

According to the family members of Lashuan Harris, she is mentally-ill and in the report she had admitted that she was taking antipsychotic drugs to control the schizophrenia- a mental disorder. According to the M'Naughten test, Harris is not enjoying the insanity defense because she is in stable condition (Nau et al, 2012). She was in knowledge that she is going to throw her children and also had knowledge that it will take the lives of children. This can be proved from the words of Harris “she was going to feed them to the sharks”. Besides this, she already had intentions of doing this crime. In this regard, the function of the court is very important to hospitalize or sentence the ...
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