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Affect of Gender on Purchase and Consumption

Affect of Gender on Purchase and Consumption


Whatever the reason may be, technology, convenience, inflation or environmental variation, the consumer trends have changed a great deal in the decade or so. The trends, patterns and preferences in the art of shopping have also vary. The number of products of various brands available and increasing everyday in the markets has influenced the behavior of purchasing in both men and women. The definitions of desired and undesired have also been redefined for both the genders.


Around three decades back, shopping was just a daily routine act. Moreover, the general trends followed in the past times have men rarely involved in regular or occasional shopping activities. In more than 90% households, grocery shopping was the sole responsibility for the females of the house (Woodruffe-Burton, pp. 241).

However, with the passage of time, the clothing industry and the unlimited number of designer range have somehow managed to attract more and more customers from both the genders to alter their shopping patterns. Various other products and services like modern age technological gadgets, accessories and several other aspects have influenced both the genders shopping trends(Patterson, 2004, pp. 39).

Female Shopping Patterns

There are a number of factors that affect the shopping trends of females.

Choosing Between Desired and Undesired

Females have constantly been known to face this dilemma with respect to Shopping. The preference and choices of such females are decided on the basis of economical stability, cultural and moral values of their household and the responsibilities and tasks she has to fulfill. For example, a female mother choosing between going to the mall to buy a dress for an evening party or cooking lunch for her children (Karanika, 2010, pp. 1096).

Professional Aspects

It has been commonly observed that ...
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