Understanding Style Differences Interpretation

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Understanding Style Differences Interpretation

Understanding Style Differences Interpretation

Once in our life, we met several people but there are only few persons whose behavior we admire or would like to influence. Mr. Edward lives in my neighborhood and a one whose behavior I would like to influence.

In today's competitive world, a person who is even slightly observant is often come across a plethora of pronounced behaviors. People are different in the way they behave; for example, few people respond to the bad news by recognizing special activities by which they can overcome their stress. However, some may seem detached from the truth as they try to continue their old behavior. I also came across such a situation during recent times. I am associated with the football, and it was the time when the new season was about to start. Football selectors started looking for players for a major league football team. During the process of selection, the selectors clarified that they are looking for players who can goal consistently. Trail sessions were conducted to scrutinize the players' consistency, where it scored well. Later on, selection or mock football match was arranged, where I encountered difficulty in playing as a team player. This shows that I am a good player when I play individually but not a good team player as I did not lack in football skills but definitely lacks in behavioral parameters.

A model of human response is developed by an American psychologist, William Marston. He divided this model into four categories, which are dominance, influence, steadiness, and conscientiousness (Gates, 2011; Wakefield, 2009). I scored 33 on dominance, 27 on influence, 23 on steadiness and 27 on conscientiousness. The score depicted that I have a dominance behavioral style, which means I tend to be controlling, decisive and directive. I am also ...
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