Understanding Of New Learning In The Field Of Project Management

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Understanding of new learning in the field of project management

Understanding of new learning in the field of project management


Project Management

Project management is an approach to organizing from beginning to end the progress of a project. When project management involves a set of projects promoting the same objective, we talk about program management.

Project management is a management that is characterized by:

The irreversibility of the operations of the participants,

A high degree of freedom of actions of the participants,

An organization dedicated to be scalable and temporary

The cash flows of investment can be negative,

There is a strong influence of variables external to the project.

Issues in Project Management

Called project finalized a set of activities and actions undertaken in order to meet a defined need within fixed time periods and within the budget allocated. Unlike operations that are repetitive processes, the essence of a project is to be innovative and unique.

Project management is a temporary action with a beginning and an end, mobilizing identified resources (human, material, and equipment, raw materials, informational and financial) during implementation, which has a cost and is therefore subject to a budgeting of resources and an assessment independent of the company. The project outcomes are called supplies or deliverables. A project, once it is sufficiently complex and important issues, is a set of actions to a definite result, known and measurable. The project is limited in time and always has a concept of novelty and change.

Importance of project management

In today's world, project management has become an integral part of a successful company. With a sufficiently intense competition is difficult to ensure effective operation of the company is not planning terms, without considering the costs and risks. In today's market success can be achieved, the companies that address the needs of the market and produce their products or provide its own set of services required in a particular moment in time, ie in time. Slippage is a major problem in almost every sphere of activity. This leads to an increase in total costs and of course reflected in the company's profits. The use of technology project management enables organizations to reduce the duration of the projects, reducing the total cost. The application of project management technology allows an average of 10-15% reduction in the cost of projects, thereby increasing the efficiency of the company. The methods of project management make the business a "transparent" and manageable, and allow you to implement projects as soon as possible with limited resources.

Project life-cycle management

Organizations are divided into many areas and need to manage jobs. For example, a company could be divided into 5 different departments: marketing and sales, systems, operations, finance and accounting. Each of these departments has different activities and initiatives carried out simultaneously, which together cause the company to achieve its objectives in the short, medium and long term. Project management teaches that to achieve the desired objective the project must follow a specific process, which is known as the project life ...
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