Understanding Critical Infrastructure

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Understanding Critical Infrastructure

Understanding Critical Infrastructure


National Emergency Management Association is an association that professionally operates as an active entity for managing situations in the times of emergency. It also provides expertise and leadership at a national standing, focusing at a comprehensive management of emergency. It has a sole purpose of serving as an important emergency management assistance resource and information and also focuses on the perpetual improvement in managing emergencies with the help of advanced programs and policies that are collaborative.

It plays its much needed role as a provider of information, expertise and support for the professionals, working at all grounds at the governmental or private sectors, for that matter. It helps professionals for preparing against emergencies that arise from disasters or any other threats that a nation might face. It is a not for profit organization that functions to enhance the safety and security of a nation in the time of dire need. It has no affiliation with any political party or any business entity, for that matter.

Risks in this century are a result of a mix of complexities, resulting from natural and manmade threats. There can be great risks involved from the attacks on the nation from the terrorists, natural disasters and different emergencies, (Kasperson, 1988). In events like these, the critical key resources of the nation can be at a much greater risk, than any other thing. The National Emergency Management Association exposes itself for protecting and safeguarding the resources and also preventing catastrophic loss. Achieving these calls for a proper effective strategy development and managing the economy of the nation with careful strategic planning.


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