Understanding Behaviors For Effective Leadership

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Understanding behaviors for effective leadership


In this paper we have studied the effective leadership behavior with respect to performance of the rime. This paper discusses the most effective behavior required form the leader by the team to generate good team results and higher employee satisfaction and commitment. Moreover this paper discusses the significant measures that should be taken by the leader in order to raise the employee morale and job satisfaction. Furthermore, the paper discusses that Courage, Relationship Management, Provision of Supports and Opportunity for Development, Trust, Honesty and integrity, Collaboration, Strategic Perspective, Drive for Results together with Inspiration and Motivation for Others are some important behavioral aspects of leadership. Understanding behaviors for effective leadership

Thesis Statement

“It is important for leader to adopt some effective behavior to generate The leadership behavior is good team results., as leadership is the key to organizational success.”


It has been studied and observed in the business arena that high levels of maturity of a group will make a high degree of substantive delegation possible on the part of those who exercise leadership and, sometimes, mechanisms of self inside (Weinzetl, 2010). The achievement of desirable scenario requires considerable leadership skills and considerable motivation by all team members, to achieve the six core habits which are as follows:

The habit of proactive listening,

The habit of considering the psychological needs of others,

The habit to think and act for goals, identification of the priorities,

The habit of interdependence on each other, which enhances resource to maximize the results of the group;

The habit of creative attitude before unusual problems.

Essential task of effective leadership is to provide the group with a mindset ornate of these habits. The leader will get a team with high self-esteem and a strong sense of belonging together with strong motivation to achieve the objectives. Moreover with this practices and attitude, a leader has a team in which everyone has a clear understanding of the objectives and their group, and knows in which direction and with what priority targets their efforts in relation to the principle of interdependence. In addition, with such leadership, team members have well tuned roles and behaviors (dominant, passive, neutral) to avoid conflicts and tensions. Furthermore, the team has levels of authority and responsibility motivating and stimulating for all, as adapted to the different skills and expertise together with a well-defined system of instructions, suggestions, procedures for the resolution of problems. Moreover, the team member has knowledge and respect for the unwritten rules that organize the life of the team. As a result, the team members have good levels of interaction and collaboration with other members of the group (Vrba, 2008).

However, it is significant for a leader to have such favorable behavior to foster the above stated factors in the team. Such effective behavior is the key to obtain better results and good level of leadership. In this paper we will study, what are the effective leadership behavior. Furthermore, the paper will discuss the significant factors that a leadership should look for in order to ...
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