Understanding And Interpreting Statutes

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Understanding and Interpreting Statutes

Understanding and Interpreting Statutes


This paper intends to explore about the understanding and interpreting of statutes. Statutes are assumed to be one of the most important aspects of understanding the legislation. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware about the different rules important for understanding the interpreting statutes being most important and applicable to understand and interpret different rules and regulations. Statutory interpretation is assumed to be the process or procedure which is utilized by courts for the purpose of applying legislation in the most accurate form to provide justice to the public. This paper will make the reader aware about the importance of accurate interpretation of statutes.


The statutory interpretation is the essential process adopted by the courts for the purpose of understanding and applying the legislation through its correct interpretation. Similarly, it is also important to analyze that the particular cases that deals with or involves any statute are always required with essential interpretation. Statutes are assumed to be one of the most important aspects of a plain and straightforward meaning. It is essential to interpret the meaning of statute accurately at core. The statutes can be sometimes difficult to understand mainly because of the words being used and the language in which it is written. The ambiguous and vagueness within the language used in statutes sometimes create problems for the judges to correctly interpret and judge the situation (Corcoran & Bottomley, 2005).

There are different methods which are essentially used by the judges to accurately interpret the meanings and actual contexts of the statutes. For the purpose of handling the ambiguity and vagueness within the statutes; there are essential tools which can be used to interpret the statutes including the non conventional interpretation of statutes. Moreover, the legislative history and the purpose of the underlying statute in question are also assessed through the correct understanding and the interpretation of statutes. Within the jurisdiction of common law; the judges are bound to apply different rules of statutory interpretation for the purpose of legalizing the enacted principles (Crabbe, 1994).

Different regulations like administrative agency regulations or delegated legislations are essentially important to understand within the jurisdiction to make the judges enable to provide essential justice. The correct interpretation of different statutes is linked to the judicial process essentially. The judicial process cannot be completed or assumed to be potentially strong if the statutes are not interpreted accurately. The cases in which statutes are meant to be applied must be well understood and exceptionally well interpreted for the purpose of making sure that judicial process maintains its integrity. The interpretation of statutes becomes increasingly difficult mainly because the words used within statutes are not as easy to understand as the normal words are (Welch, Comer & Rigdon, 2009).

There are various rules which are assumed to be important for the purpose of understanding and interpreting the statutes correctly. The increasing trends of technology utilization and the underlying changes within the culture make the interpretation ...