Under-Age Drinking

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Under-age Drinking

Under-age Drinking


Under-age drinking, which can also be referred to as adolescent alcoholism, has been the most pressing problem in the world today. This problem is very common in the developed countries and is leading to social degradation and exploitation. Adolescents and teenagers under the age of 21 years resort to drinking at an age where they are not socially aware of its consequences. As a result, they undertake actions that are a source of social exploitation, devastation and morally unethical. Around 5400 people under the age of 14 consume their first alcohol at this age and then start drinking every day. According to a research conducted in 2005, over 7 million youngsters who drink, fall in the age bracket of 12 to 20, and are involved in heavy drinking habits. They take five or more drinks in every 30 days (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2004/2005).

Research Statement

The paper will focus on the following thesis statement:

Alcoholism below 21 years of age leads to social dilemmas that are a result of the personal misconduct of the person.


Under-age drinking is prohibited or at least, disregarded due to many profound reasons. The whole society suffers at the stake of an individual's misconduct, which results from being drunk. Drunk youngsters are usually caught driving in such a menacing and disoriented condition where they cannot own their actions, resultantly, claiming the lives of many innocent souls from such a behavior. These youngsters are the victims of depression and anxiety that result in a deviated behavior where they tend to take the society for granted. It is observed that developmental transformations like independence and puberty leads to the habit of under-age drinking that can consequently be the main reason why a larger number of teen-aged people resort to it (Sroufe & Rutter, 1984). For such reasons, Under-age drinking has become a very critical public health issue in states like the America and Britain. Recent study revealed that youngsters involved in the consumption of alcohol tend to lose their memory and health abilities. Young boys are psychologically hyper and tend to attempt more crime, while drinking, such as rape, suicide and homicide. Over 70,000 college students are recorded as the victims of alcohol related sexual assault and rape cases every year.

Most of the crimes and accidents involve youngsters who consume alcohol a lot. Under-age drunk driving is the main reason why the youngsters are ...
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