The main purpose of this paper is to develop a model exercise on the security council of United Nations as an effective teaching and learning tool for considering global issues with the undergraduate Development Studies students. The main aim of this model is the discussion of the key issues related to the good governance and MDG 8 in Russia. The model also focuses on the role of the UN in the contemporary first and third worlds and the operations of United Nations. Last but not the least; the model is an analysis of various issues which are related to the good governance in the First and Third Worlds.
The model exercise of UN Security Council in Russia has been developed in order to provide the awareness and increase the knowledge of Undergraduate Development Studies students about the issues and the role of United Nations in terms of providing the security. The United Nations plays the role of a world government which is responsible for preserving peace in the world and can interfere at any time in any State. The United Nations is generally identified with the care of international peace and security. But in reality, the UN has a much more extensive (Chabal, 2002, p. 447). Russia has been going through several problems and United Nations is the main factor behind the development of Russia.
The recent world is a world full of conflicts between states, which is a threat to international peace and security. The UN is the permanent global forum to discuss and analyze these issues among governments. In Russia, there are many problems facing humanity such as the environment, poverty eradication, HIV / AIDS, terrorism, drugs, etc.. No country can end these evils only (Kaufmann, 2000, p. 34). The UN is the agency where they take actions that affect everyone. The UN and its agencies help build and strengthen economies and stabilize financial matters in Russia. It also helps in increasing food production that promotes measures for the elderly; the disabled and indigenous protect refugees and provide humanitarian aid deal with emergencies and natural disasters.
In addition to helping prevent or resolve conflicts, the UN influences the lives of Russia in different ways:
Provides assistance to refugees, displaced persons and others affected by natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods or storms, or caused by man-wars and armed uprisings.
With the help of WHO (World Health Organization), it supports in the process of vaccination and immunization of diseases especially in the poorest countries of the world, in addition to fighting infectious diseases and help prevent them.
Thanks to the ITU (International Telecommunication Union), establishing improved communications through agreements that allow better coordination of the participants in the communication process also seeks that the benefits of Information Technology and Communication arrive all processes and support economic and social development.
Back safer air travel, it thank to international safety standards of ICAO (International Civil Aviation of).
Helps reduce the destruction caused by meteorological disasters and supports the rapid ...