Uk Public Policy

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UK Public Policy

UK Public Policy


The novelty of the course is, firstly, to conduct an empirical research in the theory of the notion that whether the public policy should directed exclusively towards the growth promotion and what are the pros and cons and issues related to dealing with public policy. Secondly, in the treatment of theoretical models, which by virtue of unification of approaches and techniques, use of a limited and standardized data for the models in a set of mathematical methods, analyze the basic to the modern theory of the growth model without significant losses for their content and construction, and thirdly, a combination of theoretical and empirical approach, which allows us to give a complete and integrated view of the various theories in relation to the public policy.

The course structure is dictated by a principle - the more simple models, to more complex logical relationship models, and the principle of transition from primary and basic models and theories to the less important, complementary, and less developed theories.


Since the 70's and early political-economic analysis, several studies have attempted to analyze the interactions that may exist between governance, public policy and environmental and economic policy. Two major issues are addressed through this literature: first, the influence of politics on the election calendar public and secondly, the influences of political characteristics of govern the forms and modalities of implementation of their public policy. In addition, these issues apply in both National (government action) at the level of local jurisdictions.

Despite their rarity, research around the local area in UK concentrated in the years 1980 and focused on question of the interaction between the political characteristics of local governments and their budgetary decisions. All these studies illustrate the interaction between expenditure categories and communal resources and political determinants. Beyond their "Seniority", these works do not grasp tightly the existence of the electoral cycle on the basis of party affiliations and even less in terms of political rationality of the candidates, and the influence of electoral calendar on local government decisions.

The study of public policy is characterized by a curious anomaly: Researchers are divided, not only because of the methodologies, but also by the very definition of the object of study. Specify what are the constituent elements of public policy is in fact a rather complex task both theoretically and operationally. The difficulties are evident when one considers the diversity of opinions of these "founding fathers" of the discipline: a policy is "a planned program of values, goals and practices". The policy making is a process of successive approximations to a desired goal, where even it is subject to continuous reviews. "The emphasis on organic and programmed control of public intervention, as implied by the first definition, is attenuated until it disappeared in the second is linked instead to things like setting the goals, mutual adaptation or negotiation.

The tension between these apparently contradictory elements, but inevitably present with varying intensities, in each policy has led to a series of definitions in turn generate different ...
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