Uk Healthcare Market

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UK Healthcare Market

UK Healthcare Market


Health care in the UK has revolutionized by the introduction of managed care. The concept of Health Care Management has got a lot of importance. Because of an increasing number of patients these days in many parts of the world, this topic has gained a lot of significance in recent years. Hospitals are investing a lot of money in this regard for the betterment of patients. Although, it demands exorbitant costs but, they are necessary. If any hospital needs to maintain proper management of healthcare services, than a certain level of financing would be required (Daly, 2005, pp: 74-83). Healthcare is heading for a serious crisis worldwide. Reforming and improving healthcare is one of the most troublesome issues facing the United States, Europe, and, indeed, the rest of the world. When we advocate the use of principles of quality management in healthcare, we must be careful about what we mean. There are many different approaches to quality management. Not all have been equally successful. The cost of incorrect or missed diagnoses is harder to estimate, but is undoubtedly high, as well. Mistakes in diagnosis lead to inappropriate or even harmful treatments, as well as the need for additional care once the actual health condition is diagnosed. Finally, both diagnostic mistakes and inappropriate treatment Increase indirect costs because they require additional documentation and extra administration (Nick, 2007, pp. 1-2).

Introduction to the UK Healthcare Market

The National Health Service (NHS)

The National Health Service is a medical service that is primary targets and came into being with the intention to take primary care of the patients. National Health Service always believes in innovation thus it takes the stances in new interventions with the intention to do the treatment of the people in a better way with modern techniques and technologies, in order to cater large variety of diseases (Fulop, 2001, pp: 59-74). Though in this modern world the technology is changing very vastly with a very strong pace in advancement NHS has the capability to adopt the new advancement along with the new interventions (Black, 1998, pp: 127-152). It is necessary that the practitioner should have the full knowledge and grasp of the new and latest technologies in order to analyze and evaluate the information and the knowledge that has been collected by them in order to better treat the patients by the use of new machines and equipments (Bion, 2002, pp: 85-115).

This strategy is made just for the reason to make appropriate strategies with the intention to meet the requirements and demands of the health and social needs (Fall, 2005, pp: 217-251). It is facts that now in this modern era the relationship between a doctor and a patient have been change and seems to have a drastic changes comparing to the era of the olden times. Both the parties have considered being a mutual decision maker in a particular decision about the patient (Clarke, 2004, pp: ...
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