Uk Advertising Industry

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UK Advertising Industry

UK Advertising Industry

The UK's advertising industry provides a vast range of services to national and international clients every day. Supported by the UK's status as an international creative and media hub, its 13,200 advertising agencies boast a winning combination of inspired creativity and shrewd business understanding that global brand owners utilise in order to optimise their brand communications around the world. (Boddewyn,1999) An important contributor to the UK economy, (Fitzgerald, Arnott 1995:21)the industry generates some £5.3 billion in Gross Value Added every year, almost a quarter of which is exports. The UK is fourth in the world for advertising expenditure. Instrumental to the industry's success has been the creative spirit that exists throughout UK society, informing and inspiring everything that it does.(Yeshin,2006)

Advertising is a pattern of connection whose reason is to announce promise customers about goods and services and how to get and use them. Many advertisements are furthermore conceived to develop expanded utilisation of those goods and services through the creation and reinforcement of emblem likeness and emblem loyalty. For these reasons advertisements often comprise both factual data and persuasive messages. Every foremost intermediate is utilised to consign these notes, including: TV, wireless, videos, publications, bulletins, video sport, the Internet (see Internet advertising), and billboards. Advertising is often put by an advocating bureau representing a company.(Yeshin,2006)

Strong and weak school is a term summing up the proposition that advertisements exert their influence on the audience by a simple hierarchical progression of effects. First postulated 70 years ago, it continues to dominate the conceptual frameworks of textbook authors and advertising practitioners alike, despite severe criticism on theoretical and experimental grounds over the years.(West,1996) It is a clearly detectable implicit assumption in much if not most of what is written on both advertising effect and the measurement of ADVERTISING EFFECTIVENESS today. Over the intervening seven decades, a considerable number of 'verbal models' of the hierarchy-of-effects have been published in the academic and practitioner literature- each different, but all clearly closely related. (Aharoni,1997)

The terms under strong school are AIDA - Strong (1925),Hierarchy of effects - Lavidge and Steiner (1961),Dagmar and ELM.

AIDA is a simple acronym that was devised a long time ago as a reminder of four stages of the sales process (Strong, 1925). AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.

It is, in modern terms, a fairly simplistic model. This does not mean that it is no longer of value--it simply means that it is not the whole story. The bottom line is that it is useful to use it as a checklist and guideline, but not as the only checklist or guideline.(Rice,2003)

Attention is another term that is used. First get their attention. Without attention, you can hardly persuade them of anything. You can get attention in many ways--a good way is to surprise them.(White,1999)

When you are talking to them, the first few seconds are essential as they will listen most then and rapidly decide whether you are worth giving further ...
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