U04a1 Worksheet

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u04a1 Worksheet

u04a1 Worksheet


Work groups are of various types depending upon the nature of task group has to accomplish. The example of a group which this paper discusses is the example of a group field project we are working on. Our task was to experience real scenarios of marketing (small scale) and sales; for this purpose, we have decided to experience selling ice-cream in public places near the school.

Group Type

Our team was a project team one consisting of a small number of people. It includes six dedicated and diligent students from our class.

Group Members

Identification of Group Communication Roles

Group Stages

Steps which the groups follow and pursue are subjective to the project tasks and requirement. Similar to all the work groups, we followed the protocols of the group formation and working, namely;

Forming: Forming of the group did not pose much difficulty for us as it was a small group and members belonged to the same level and grade. The formation of the group was a careful process, entailing cautious thinking about the compatibility and contrasting nature of the group members. The rest of the part of group formation was not much problematic because the goal was similar as everyone wanted to learn something out of the project.

Storming: The forming part did not pose much difficulty for us; but the storming part gave some difficulty in our group. Storming consists of the part of group stages where the groups experience struggles relating to the controls, leadership and emotional efforts.

Norming: Our group was not a formal one, comprising of high level goals, rather it was a study group set out to aim learning as the final goal. Norming of the group was informal and the group did not have any one authoritative leader. The group was a fully function group without ...