Typical Development

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Typical Development

Typical Development

Every child is unique in his own way, while the development of the child is through different phases. There are 5 areas of development of a child:

Emotional and Social Development

It involves how to react in different situations of joy so showing happiness. Children make friends at different stages of life. They interact with others and follow them. A baby playing with a toy and smiles towards it shows that he recognizes it.

Cognitive Development

Cognition is our mind development how we learn in different situations and resolve our problems and issues related to them. For example, visiting a different place a 2 months old baby will explore his surroundings.

Speech and Language Development

During this phase a child learns and understanding different languages. For example, a child learns to say mother and father initially and differentiating between words.

Fine Motor Skill Development

It includes the ability of child to use his hands like moving things from one place to another and picking up small objects as a young baby does with their toys.

Gross Motor Skill Development

It is the child's ability to use his large muscles such as forcing himself to sit and trying to stand with support. These are the initial stages of child development. Development takes place throughout different phases of life (Lemma, 2007). Development takes place when a child is exposed to different environments. Learning is the change in behavior during which a child develops different abilities and skills to overcome different situations. The positive understanding of environment can help a child in quality and productive learning.

At risk behavior

As the child mentioned in the topic is suffering from different transactional behaviors which denote uncertainty in understanding in classroom it can be due to different reasons. Some of them can be mentioned as:

ADHD (Attention deficit disorder)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or it can also be known as Attention Deficit Disorder. ADD is a condition which becomes noticeable at preschool and early school stages in children. It becomes difficult for children suffering from ADHD to pay attention and control their behavior.

The list of types of ADHD mentioned in various sources includes primarily inattentive ADHD subtype predominantly hyperactive impulsive ADHD subtype and inattentive hyperactive ADHD subtype.


It is also known as Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). Autism can be identified in early child hood.The symptoms of autism include communication lack, inability of social interactions and repetitive behaviors. These ...
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