Tv's Effect

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Tv's Effect

Tv's Effect


Television is considered to have a great impact on every day's life in almost every family these days. However, the sole purpose of television programs and series is to provide entertainment and good time to the people but it is also considerabley used as a means of advertising and promoting goods and services. Many organizations use it as a tool of marketing startegy by using creative ideas and inspiring personalities to inspire television audience to use certain goods and services. These personalities are usually the most seen and famous ones to which audience can relate to or follow the showed trend aggressively. Teevision programs and shows have become a common routine in one's life and people watch these shoows, series and programs on regular basis as part of life. One of the most followed programs in this regard is of eating and cooking shows because people cant leave eating or live without food. Therefore, they are always interested in getting ideas and practicing cousines in home kitchens as showed on TV to bring creativity and taste in life, which is also considered a shealthy by majority of people.

Majority of food shows and programs have been created and telecasted on Television in the last decade. The possible reason behind this approach of producers and promoters could be engagement and involvement of people in television or whatever they learn or see on it. This norm has become increasingly part of one's lifestyle and daily routine. It is discussed and argued in various discussions and magazines that the cooking shows and programs were earlier just a source of simple presentation and preparation of basic food items. These shows were used as means of learning creative tactics, techniques and procedures for making delicious food that could be practiced easily at home with avaialble food ingredients. This tredn was considered as part of majority of households and families especially it was comprehended as means of relaxation session for mothers, housewivies and young girls at many homes. The most likable segment of cooking show was cosnidered as diversified food preparaing or tricks and tacts to decorate the cousine by the famous and well recognized host or the surprise guest at the show, which could be any TV celebrity ot average person picked up randomly via producers and organizers as a result of lucky draws or winners of competition.


The main aim of these cooking shows were not at all attaining the maximum number of TRP or ratings because they were not telecasted or produced with an agenda of procvison of pure entertainment, but to provide source of learning and knowledge to audience regarding cooking and food diet that could help people in creating delicious dishes with ease at home. Therefore, with all these aspects of cooking show in past, they were cos nidered as relaxable, enjoyable, and realistics and less dramtic to watch for TV audience. The old trend has been replaced by new conception of enterntainmenta nd fighting fierce competition of cookery shows ...
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