Turning Individuals Into Team Players

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Turning Individuals into Team Players


In this paper we would discuss that how individuals can be turned into successful team players using the techniques given by Stephen P. Robbins in his book. We would apply the concepts given by Robbins on the individual supervisors of the Customer Service department in a hospital which work for billing. We would also analyze the dynamics of supervisory team in the billing department of the hospital. Similarly, we would also discuss what each supervisor brings to the group. Furthermore, we would try to analyze different ways to build trust in the team. We would also take into account different personality types that complement and balance each other. Moreover, we would also analyze the team members who use their strengths to full but compromise to their weaknesses.


Turning Individuals into team Players

In any organization the team plays a very important role in achieving the targets of a particular department. When an individual works in the department, he only puts his own efforts. On the contrary, when a team of individuals work for a particular department, they accomplish all the tasks efficiently and effectively. In any organization turning individuals into successful team players is very tough task. There are many challenges associated in the formation of a team. The first challenge is that the individual resistance has to be overcome. Similarly, the influence of the individual cultures has to be countered. Furthermore, if any organization had previously acknowledged the individual performances it would be very difficult to form the team in that organization. In order to make an effective team only those employees in the team should be preferred who should fulfill their team roles. Similarly, the training of the employees is also very important; the employees should be trained to become successful team players. Moreover, the reward system in the organization should also be reworked in order to encourage the cooperative efforts, however, at the same time the individual contributions should also be recognized.

Following are the four stages of team development.


In this stage the group is yet not a group but instead a set of individuals. Individuals in this stage try to make an impression by establishing within the group their personal identity. There is limited participation in this stage and the as the individuals to familiarize themselves with each other. The group in this stage develops rules and principles on which the future decisions are to be made.


In this stage lack of unity and intragroup conflict are likely to occur. Similarly, the individuals are likely to be hostile in this stage and may try to pursue their individual agendas instead of agreeing on the agenda of the team. The rules might be broken and the arguments may arise in this stage. But if all these issues are successfully handled then this stage might result in forming of norms, objectives and procedures.


In this stage the practices and norms are developed and the tensions are reduced. Similarly, the cohesion is achieved in this stage and group members ...