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PESTEL Analysis3









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Technological Change9

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Electricity today is known to be a very vital element for survival. Everywhere we go, where ever we look, we are always surrounded by technology, and technology needs electricity. Out life today has become so fast that we do not realize that we are heavily dependent upon electricity, and a day without electricity is like a day living in the Stone Age.

Main Body

There are a lot of ways of producing electricity, and every country has its own way of producing it. With such a severe need of electricity, countries have got down in to the research pattern to find out how electricity can be produced efficiently and at a much cheaper cost then it is being produced today.

PESTEL Analysis


In Britain, the power clock is ticking. There are new policies that are to be implemented by the government of UK but they are still pending, because they have to be looked at very carefully. These days, there has been an argument raised that should nuclear power supply is an efficient way to supply the entire UK with electricity or not. Certainly for a few nuclear energy supply seems to be ok, as long as it bright the countries of UK with electricity, but a majority of the people have serious concerns about the disadvantages nuclear energy plants could bring to the life of the individuals living in the country. Over all the government has not yet decided to install the nuclear electricity plants, but this can be a major competitor in the near future. The government of uk has decided, towards the end of this decade to derive 15% of its energy from the renewable sources, this directly means that there is a very good chance for all those companies looking forward to invest in the business of power resources. The carbon dioxide level will also decrease by 80%. According to a report that was published in the year 2010, from the committee on climate change, the uk would require 40GW of low carbon energy projects, this truly gives the accurate picture of what really is going to happen in the future, and this report is surely giving out the analysis on the basis of facts stating that there is a vast need of investment in this area where investors could come in with creative ideas and help uk grow with electricity as it is the need of the state today.


According to a report that was published in the year 2001, the real gdp of UK has approximately grown by 1.1% in the year 2011. The BMI has forecasted that the average annual growth of UK somewhere lies between 2.3% between the years 2011 and 2021. The population of U is also expected to rise from 62.4mn to 66.2mn for the period of 2011-2021. Looking at the above scenario, it is quite obvious that a change and growth in the overall economy would certainly create demand for a lot of ...
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