Tuition Policy

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Tuition Policy

Tuition Policy


Education is the most important concern for the state and government for the stability and sustainability of the future. It is the responsibility of the State to keep proper check and balance on the State policy and other issues regarding the education system. This is why there is proper system for the yearly estimate of the education and tuition costs, prices, expenses and quality. This is very important to make proper measures to ensure education for every individual. Every person has a right of education and they must be provided with their basic right. It is not enough to provide the education but also the education that meet the standards and demands of future. The world is moving very fast and there are lots of changes in technology in every field, this is very important to understand that the education provided must be according the requirements of future technology. To equip with the technological studies it is very important to provide with the proper system that can also assist them in future to get the job, because in future the competition will be tougher and this will create difficulty for a person if the education is not according to the requirements of the job. It is proved with the changes in the world that there will be demand of high standards of knowledge and skills to meet the standards of global competitiveness. This is the reason that to make the education level higher and to equip it with the advance and future technology it will be more costly. This will also be a burden for the students and their parents. This results in the problem for the students and their parents because due to the low funding of State students and families have to pay greater share for the tuition expenses. Due to this, tuition policy, tuition prices, tuition caps and authority to set tuition levels will continue to be major state public policy issues in 2012.


In the year 2012, AASCU Policy Matters of college costs while accumulating record high debt levels is to be analyzed for further issues in these policies related to various political, regulative, legal, professional and markets. The main reason for the rise in the prices of education is the excessive technological expenses and other maintenance charges for it (Harnisch, 2012). This is why it is very important to understand the structure of fee and the reason for the increase in the cost that have become a burden for the students and their families. The main and the most expensive is the technology fee that is mandatory and this cannot be substitutes because the technology is the major requirement for the future. It is important for both the student to get better job that demands the skills in the future technology and better economic level. American University also provides the complete outline of the major structure for the tuition fee for the year 2012-2013, that contains various fees required to be part of the ...
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