Trokosi In Africa

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Trokosi in Africa

Trokosi in Africa


Trokosi is a traditional form of slavery which is practiced in many parts of Africa mainly in Ghana. Trokosi literally means slave of deity. It is practiced by Ewe people. Forms of trokosi are also practiced in parts of Benin and Togo with a different name. In those areas, the tradition is known as voodoosi (Gyan, 2011). As of 2009, there were about 2500 trokosis living in Ghana alone.

Personally, after finding out about the religious practice of trokosi I wanted to explore more on the subject. The practice is mostly unknown to the world. I intend to create awareness in public regarding this issue as I favor the provision of basic rights to every citizen. The topic also adds to my knowledge of issues which cause a violation of women and human rights. Thus, I intend to bring change by spreading awareness about trokosi (Arid 2007).

The women who fall victim of this humiliating tradition are raped frequently. They work semi nakedly in front of others and the basic rights of living are denied. They survive in extremely poor conditions. They are beaten up on small mistakes. Because of frequent rape of such victims, the number of births is a note to concern. They are also not provided any help during and after the birth process. Victims continue work soon after giving birth which sometimes ends in their death. If any woman dies, another virgin girl from the same family replaces by her (Gyan, 2011).


In this form of slavery, family leaves a virgin girl to a fetish priest on the basis of liability of a family. The liability is imposed when any member of the family commits a crime or in case of natural calamity on family. The family is then obliged to submit the daughter to the shrine. The girl is then made to serve the priest for a certain time. According to the religious practice conducted under the name of trokosi, a young virgin girl mostly teenager suffers from atonement as a result of wrongdoings of any elder relative. The initial ceremony practiced on arrival of girl on shrine is particularly humiliating. The ceremony greatly varies according to the area, but the sole purpose of ceremony remains the same. The girl is stripped of clothes and jewelry in front of other men. The process continues till the girl kneels in front of the priest. From that moment, she is considered and treated as a trokosi slave (Gyan, 2011).

The time is indefinite and ranges from few years to the entire life. The slave under this tradition must complete all domestic chores and also fulfils the sexual desires of the priest. Slave is frequently punished and whipped. The victims also suffer from malnutrition due to denial of food and whipping. Punishment can be given on any of the reason like refusal to sex, leaving shrine premises without permission or a trial to run from shrine. Women who are slave under trokosi suffer from overwork and ...