Tristan And Isolde

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Tristan and Isolde

Tristan and Isolde

In 22 May 1813, William Richard Wagner was born in Leipzig, Germany. He had been a supreme composer, and one of the brains of the era. As a kid, he was particularly concerned in writing and drama. However, the unforgettable works of the writer is his lifelong involvement in music: Weber's romantic opera Der Freischutz, Beethoven's opera Fidelio, and the only Beethoven's Ninth Symphony (in particular the Fourth choral movement). Wagner's aesthetic creativeness was determined by Shakespeare and Beethoven. (Kitcher, 2004)He admired Shakespeare counseling tragedy, but as the main romantic music of Beethoven symphonies and the founder of recognition. Thus, in 17 years, these elements invaded his works have established his ideas: music, verse, play and stress on romantic love and exemption. (Cooke, 1992)

While promoting political and social reforms in order to achieve the unification of Germany and people's freedom, Wagner, lives in complex ways, seems to always attract his artistic creativity. Luxury silk and velvet flowers, clothing, gorgeous amount of money, thick carpets and curtains at home, and many times the idea to America to take a rest, or visit his affluent admirer. Many musicians also like beautiful women, resulting in more conservative Bavarian 19th-century Catholic scandal frequent rest. (Kitcher, 2004)

Unfortunately, the luxury lifestyle was used in 1839 when he left Germany to France and leading to the request of creditors. While the center of the opera in the world was Paris, the city does not recognize or appreciate their musical talent. In fact, it is even sent to the debtor's prison. However, in Paris, Wagner has completed two major works: Lien economic, der Letzte der Forum (1840) and Der fliegende Hollander (1841). For this problem, it has become a case history and German legends for everyone. (Kitcher, 2004)

In 1842, Wagner was finally allowed to return to Dresden. When he was returning to Germany, he made two new operas: Tannhäuser Limited auf Wartburg Sängerkrieg (1846) and Lohengrin (1849). His concern agitates to the struggle of French fusion, and even the famous nihilist Mike Snill in Dresden-related catastrophic revolution. (Cooke, 1992)He did so because they are in this social revolution, which had to flee Germany, Switzerland to escape arrest involved. At this point, the German composer Richard Wagner's works of Liszt's advocacy was conducted in the Weimar Court Theatre, August 28, 1840 premiere of Ron Green. (Donington, 1984)

In the vicinity of Zurich and Lucerne Tribschen then, Wagner began his prose and drama of opera and presented their own theory series. In particular, his book is important for the future work of art (1849). It is seen as a great synthesis of the art of symphonic music, that only the future of Germany as a work of art to the trade unions. Throughout this of exile, Wagner is subject to Ludwig Feuerbach and Schopenhauer. It also provides a work only of his own opera festival performances during the year. (Magee, 2001)

Since 1845 he has been processing the Germanic legend of music for four series on dealing ...
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