Trends In Retirement

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Trends in Retirement

[Date of Submission]



The Rapid Increase in the Older Population through the Demographic Transition Theory4

The consequences of having an increasing older population5

Financial and Income Resources5

Poverty in Late Life6

Health and Health care7

Suggestions of Experts in Addressing these Issues8

Assessment of the Rapidly Increasing Population of Elders and its Impact on the Younger Generations9

The Current Actions Taken in Addressing These Issues10


Trends in Retirement


Leading us into uncharted demographic water, the population of the world is growing older. There will be relatively fewer numbers of working-age people, longer healthy life expectancies, and a large share of elderly and high absolute numbers of elderly people. In circulation regarding how these changes might affect the performance of the economy and business, there are alarmist views of serious and popular category (Bloom &, 2011). However, the effects of population aging are not easy to be predicted. Population aging are not insurmountable, but they do raise some fundamentally and formidable new challenges.

Different needs and capacities and extended working years are resulted as people have healthier and longer lives, and new opportunities are brought in within these changes. Societal, organizational and individual are the levels of adaptation (Velkoff &, 2005). The United States is an ageing society, like the rest of the world, and it places substantial additional pressure of income, long-term and publicly-funded health programs for older people. This research paper will address the impact of the growing older population in the United States. With simultaneous reduced proportion of the population contributing to Social Security, housing needs, and decrease economic contributions, the impact can be defined in terms of increased health care costs.

With the use of the demographic transition theory, the rapid increase in the older population will be an outline, along with the consequences of having of having an increasing older population. Furthermore, the research paper will acknowledge the suggestions of experts regarding these issues, assessment of the rapidly increasing population of elders and its impact on the younger generations and current actions being taken in combating these issues.


In every country of the world, the population aging is taking place. The aging of the baby boom generations, declining fertility, and increased longevity are the three factors underlying this trend. In compare to previous decades, people are living significantly longer lives, in most parts of the world (Lee, 2003). The elderly share of the population has naturally increased as families have fewer children. High shares of elderly people are led by the aging of large cohorts of children paralleled by similar booms at various times. These children were born after World War - II in the United States.

The Rapid Increase in the Older Population through the Demographic Transition Theory

The number of older people is projected to increase by one hundred and thirty five percent in the United States, between the years of 2000 and 2050. The group of population aged eighty five and above and requires long-term and health care services, is projected to increase by three hundred and fifty ...
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