Treatment Of Old Aging Populations In U.S.

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Treatment of Old Aging Populations in U.S.

Treatment of Old Aging Populations in U.S.


The world population is aging rapidly and progressively. This scenario represents a tremendous challenge for society and for medical science to create such a health system that not only allows in prolonging the existence but also improves the quality of life of people. Thus, the following essay is going to evaluate the treatment of old aging populations within the contemporary U.S. society.


According to the data from the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that there are about 605 million people over 60 years worldwide. By 2025 the figure is expected to reach 1,200 million, of which two out of three will live in developing countries.

The world is experiencing an unprecedented increase record of the average life expectancy and subsidies the aging population, which has come to regard as a revolution of the longevity. Thus, the essay will be particular about America only.

Old Aging Populations in America

The old age population is rapidly growing in the United States with the highest life expectancy in the past. However, one must take into consideration that a longer life does not necessarily mean a healthier life. This essay presents information on the elderly population in the United States.

The old age populations now represent the second largest group in the United States. According to the Office of the U.S. Census, old age people now represent 17 percent of the population but it is calculated that in 2050, it will account for 30 percent. It is anticipated that the old aging population of the elderly will triple over the next 20 years and by 2050 there will be 13.8 million homes. (United Nations.2009).

Although the health of Americans has improved over the last decade, there are still large differences between the health and ...
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