Treatment Of Insomnia

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Treatment of Insomnia


Insomnia, a disorder that keeps people awake, and unable to sleep, affects many people around the world. Insomnia can be caused by a variety of things and this makes it very difficult to cure. Curing insomnia is really a matter of discovering what is causing it. Sometimes, insomnia can be cured by eliminating certain things from your diet or exercising more or relieving stress. The best way to find a cure for insomnia is to find out what is causing it. The below report will analyze the said disease and the effective treatment of Insomnia.

Table of Contents


Secondary Causes1

Primary Insomnia1

Treatment of Insomnia3

Inactivity and Laziness4


Psychotherapeutic Treatment7

Drug Treatment of Insomnia8


Implementation of Strategy and Planning10


Effective Treatment of Insomnia


Sleep disturbance is a very common problem in general practice, with over 30% of the population complaining of poor sleep at some point in their lifetime. Insomnia defined as a disturbance in initiation, duration, consolidation or quality of sleep resulting in impairment of daily functioning. The average adult sleeps between 7-8 hours a day, but can vary from 4-10 hours. As we age, our requirement for sleep declines by roughly half an hour per decade, so the average 80-year-old may only need 6-7 hours of sleep a day. Medications are commonly requested (and prescribed), but associated with dependence, side effects, falls in the elderly, and eventually become ineffective. There are alternatives treatment strategies available (Fisher, 2007).

Secondary Causes

Secondary causes account for over 70% of insomnia, and their treatment usually results in the improvement of sleep. Often several causes co-exist.

Primary Insomnia

Primary insomnia (for which no secondary cause can be identified) accounts for 30% of cases, and in over half of cases will improve with sleep hygiene. It is diagnose when all other causes have been excluded. Sleep hygiene will improve the sleep of most patients.

Insomnia is the health related issue increasing and lack of proper sleep affects the routine life and seriously causes different health problems and best cure of it are either medication or therapy. Sleeplessness (insomnia) is a disorder of sleep, which is characterized by an inability to sleep for a considerable period of time at night. People suffering from insomnia (insomnia) usually cannot close our eyes more than a few minutes, tossing and turning and cannot find that very position in which they will be able to sleep. Insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorders. Although insomnia usually only seen as the difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep (Attarian, 2010).

Undoubtedly this health problem affects almost all age groups. The study shows that women are more affected by this problem than men. This frequency increases as the patient gets older. This health problem is very common in people belonging to the low socioeconomic class, addictive to alcohol, and people who are suffering from the mental health problems. The patient if do not realize that he or she is suffering from insomnia than that minor one can turn into chronic insomnia (Glovinsky, 2006).

Insomnia as discussed earlier is classified, or it has three types ...
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