Treating Anxiety

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Treating Anxiety


In this study we try to explore the concept of “Anxiety” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Approaches for Treating Anxiety” and its relation with “subject and individual psychology”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Anxiety” and tries to gauge its effect on “child”, who has been diagnosed with the disease. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “the occurrence of Anxiety” and tries to describe the overall effect of “Anxiety” on “the overall human progression”.

Table of Contents


Research Questions4


Target Population and Research Design8

Assessment of Anxiety in Youth8


Child Self-Report Measures8

Parent and Teacher Rating Scales9

Behavioral Observations10

Different Approaches for Treating Anxiety10

Treating Youth Anxiety10

Parental Involvement12

School Staff as Treatment Providers13


Future Analysis Directions14


Treating Anxiety


Anxiety disorder is among the most critical issues which can severely impact your life. You may felt depressed, uneasy and not certain about yourself in whatever actions you take. It is possible to effortlessly discover to control these points having an appropriate anxiety disorder treatment and meditations which can allow you to recover from anxiety and to lead a peaceful life.

There are many varieties of anxiety disorders based on the reactions it shows within the human body. The therapy for treating anxiety disorder is also varies based on the varieties of the disorders. You have to consult having a physician about your anxiety and which causes, triggers the anxiety in you. Immediately after discovered the reason it is possible to look forward for the readily available therapies for treatment which suits your difficulty. Treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) fall into two main categories: psychological and psychopharmacological. Both pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy have been demonstrated to be effective in treating GAD. In current reviews and randomized placebo controlled trials have indicated that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), some SSRIs (paroxetine, esitalopram and serotine) some serotonin noradrenalin reuptake inhibitors.

Research Questions

How can we assess and treat child anxiety in schools?

What are the different approaches for treating child anxiety in schools?


Anxiety disorders are common in youth, both in 12-month prevalence estimates from the general population (Demler, & Walters, 2005) and across the life span (28.8%; Kessler, Berglund, Demler, Jin, & Walters, 2005). Research indicates that 10%-20% of children in the general population and primary care settings report distressing levels of anxiety. This research focuses on three of the most prevalent anxiety disorders in youth: (1) separation anxiety disorder (SAD), (2) generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and (3) social phobia (SoP). SAD is characterized by inappropriate and excessive anxiety regarding separation from home or caretakers. GAD is characterized by excessive and persistent anxiety and worry across a number of domains (school, health of loved ones) that is difficult to control and is associated with physical symptoms (muscle tension). SoP is characterized by a marked and persistent fear of performance or social situations due to social evaluation.

SAD, GAD, and SoP are typically treated similarly and researched collectively in youth. They are highly comorbid with one another (Kendall et al, 2010) and have been conceptualized as sharing an underlying anxiety ...
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