Travellers' Perception And Comfort To Body Search With Regard To Airport Security In Doha

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Travellers' perception and comfort to body search with regard to airport security in Doha



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In this study, the researcher focuses on New Doha Airport. The main focus of the research is on “Airport Security” in “Doha. Besides that the research also focuses on the perception of travellers and body to comfort on Airport in regards to security. During times of high arrival rate inspectors may speed up and make the system more vulnerable. The focus of this thesis is the development and analysis of a model for workload sharing of carry-on bag images between inspectors at US airports. The idea is to take advantage of the time differences between airports and also the available time from underutilized inspectors at smaller airports. Workload sharing allows for faster passenger check-in and increases the probability of threat detection.

Table of Contents





Background of the Study1

Purpose of the Study2

Problem Statement2

Rationale of the Study2

Aims and Objectives3

Theoretical Framework3

Research Questions4

Ethical Considerations4



Airport Security6

New Doha Airport and Security6

What is CPTED?7

Security Measures8

BPR (Behaviour Pattern recognition)8

Parameters of New Doha Airport Security Airport Security9

Traveller's perception and Body comfort10


Research Design11

Qualitative Research12

Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative Research13

Advantages and Disadvantages14

Literature Search14

Reliability& Validity of Sources15


Background of the Study

Airplane hijacking is present in the world since 1931 when the first plane was hijacked for money extortion. Continuous increase of hijacking after 1970 supported the need more passenger baggage scrutiny. In 1970 air marshals were introduced but the number of marshals was not enough to protect every flight from hijackings and other threats. Consequently in late 1972, the FAA mandated the screening of all passengers and their carry-on baggage by January 5, 1973. Therefore, countries have taken this matter into consideration and from that point they have started to give importance to Airport security. The screening responsibilities were given to private companies, airport authorities or airline companies on a contract basis (Cheng, 2005, p. 80).

Post September 11, there is worldwide awareness in the security of airlines and airports. After the event, of 9/11 congress enacted the Aviation and Transportations Security Act (AT SA) which created Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Impact of Terrorism also affects the Middle East countries (Yazdani, 2008, p.8). It also mandates 100% checking of baggage using explosives detection technologies in the aviation sector. There was a temporary stagnation of business in the aviation sector due to 9/11 and the worldwide economic recession which followed immediately after that. But of late, the aviation sector has been witnessing constant growth and it is expected that with the emergence of new markets in Asia ...
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