Travel & Tourism Law

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Law & Ethics in the Travel and Tourism Industry

Law & Ethics in the Travel and Tourism Industry

Task 1

Given below are the ethical and legal responsibilities of Strategic Rail Authority, Health and Safety Executive and Civil Aviation Authority.

Strategic Rail Authority

The Strategic Rail Authority (SRA) has initiated in 2001 to 2006. This body was considered to be the non-departmental public body situated in United Kingdom. The body is running under the Transport Act 2000 for the purpose of providing the strategic directions for railway industry. The shadow SRA was mainly initiated in 1999 after the elections held by the labour government for the purpose of bringing enhancement in the public interest regulation for the railway network. The SRA is mainly responsible top perform its operations under the guidance and directions provided by the Secretary of State for Transport which is mainly located in Scotland. The budget of SRA is mainly allocated by the Scottish parliament under the terms and conditions provided by the Barnett Formula (ABTA Ltd. Legal Department, 2008, p. 24). Thus, it is the responsibility of Strategic Rail Industry to develop the strategies so that the rail industry should work in an effective manner. The strategic rail industry is mainly responsible for allocating the rail standards in order to bring enhancement and development in the rail industry. The SRA is considered to be a regulating body for the purpose of providing the strategic directions and strategy enhancement to the railway industry under the act of Transport 2000. As per the roles and responsibilities of strategic rail authority it is mainly responsible to provide the strategies to railway industry that can result in the development of the railway industry and incorporation of the better ideas in the railway industry. Thus, it can be said that it is a very crucial authority for the railway industry and it comprises the ethical responsibilities of providing the better directions.

Health & Safety Executive

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is also considered to be a body of United Kingdom based on the non-departmental public body. The authority is running its operations with the headquarter located in Liverpool. The health and safety executive body is mainly responsible for encouraging the workplace safety and regulating and enforcing the workplace safety standards so that the health and safety within the workplace could be assured. This body is very crucial because it has the ethical responsibility of providing the health and safety measures so that the employees and passengers could be saved from any loss and injury. The Health and safety executive is working under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (Pierre 2008, p. 14). The body is working under different laws including the Office of Rail Regulation, and Health and Safety laws. Therefore, it is necessary that the body of HSE should follow these regulations and ethical responsibilities while developing the health and safety measures within organization.

Civil Aviation Authority

Civil Aviation Authority is serving since 1972 as the public ...
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