Travel & Tourism

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Travel & Tourism

Contemporary Issues in Travel and Tourism


Task 1: Understanding the Scope of the Key United Kingdom and Worldwide Tourist Destination

Tourism is known to be playing the significant role within the economy of United Kingdom as well as to the regions that are powerful in tourist destinations. The area of tourism also offers the country with income revenue, infrastructures, and jobs and usually offers investment all through the country. Moreover the overseas tourists are observed to be heading towards the United Kingdom for the purpose of spending holidays, while London is recognized to be one of the significant destinations for tourist within the European market also it is known to be the important destination for tourists from overseas tourists that are wishing to visit while travelling towards Europe. However during the current duration “staycation” is one of the words which is turning to be increasingly known for the tourists in British, throughout the period of recession since the year 2008-09, choosing to spend their holidays in the United Kingdom that is also viewed to be boosting the sector of domestic tourism, resulting in increasing the profits of Bed and Breakfast hotels including the sectors lower budgets of lower budget accommodation. However Europe and the tourist from rest of the world destinations yet are the significant actors within the industry of tourism, where each year newer tourist destination holding the powerful appealing aspects is being introduced within the market of tourism as well as strongly marketed within the travelling newspapers for instance: India, China, Brazil and Turkey.

Although this particular unit is capable of introducing the learners towards the main United Kingdom as well as the tourist destinations worldwide in the words of generation of income and number of visitors including the location. These learners would be looking within the physical, social and cultural feature of the particular destination also the trends and issues which is capable of affecting the popularity, by being the part of necessary selling knowledge and skills required by the managers within the sector of travel and tourism. Not to forget that the world is continuously modifying place as well as the concerns that is affecting the travel and tourism might differ from one place to the other, from the current period to the upcoming time. Although certain factors that affects the industry of travel and tourism might be political that is capable of being influenced through the global economic developments, or they might be tectonic or even climatic like the tsunami disaster that took place in the year 2004 claiming the lives of almost 300,000 individuals. This tragedy including the climatic phenomena the hurricanes with the wider concerns of global warming which is capable of affecting this industry presently as well in the future.

Task 2: Understanding the physical, social and cultural features of the tourist destination

This area will be briefly looking into the impacts of developing tourism within the cultures of (LDECs) “less economically developed countries”, there are several methods for describing these kinds of ...
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