Travel And Tourism

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Travel and Tourism



Early Tourism3

Influence of national and international agencies on a tourism sector4

Changing Consumer Demands and Expectations5

Components of Tourism5

Structure of Travel and Tourism Industry in UK5

Impacts of Economic Developments on Tourism8

Technological advancements in Tourism Sector8

Link between National Economic Policy and Travel and Tourism Sector Development9

Tourism in Bath (UK)10

Socio-Economic Impacts of Tourism in Bath11

Mitigating the Negative Impacts12


The Travel and Tourism Sector


The biggest and fastest growing industry in United Kingdom is the tourism industry. The common purpose of the industry is to provide goods and services to the tourists. However, defining tourism is not as simple as it seems to be. It is a complex industry. Tourism includes such activities of people that are carried out during travelling and staying in places, other than their usual environments for less than a year. Tourism can be for business, holiday and other purposes. The word “staying” means that tourist must stay at least one night. Whereas, tourists who visit in the day time contributes a huge amount to the tourists industry as it involves many activities carried out by the tourists during the day time.

Many regions in UK separate the night tourists with the day ones in order to make the statistics. The total value of tourism and travel sectors in UK includes more than £91.8 billion as per the Department of Culture, Media and Sport. This statistics includes most of the domestic visitors rather than visitors who come from outside the country. Tourism is the fastest growing sector in terms of economics because it brings foreign exchange earnings in the country according to the World Tourism Sector.

Tourism also embraces the job opportunities in the country not only in this particular sector but also in the related fields like construction, food etc. Many of the tourism developments occur in developing countries, which brings economic opportunities to the local communities.


Early Tourism

The History of Tourism suggests that earlier people use to travel because of the reasons of war, travelling for some religious reasons and for trading. As we came to the third century, ancient Greeks use to travel and visit their gods and visit the temples. The citizens of Rome used to travel those countries where their army had subjugated carrying their own currency despite of being afraid of the border restrictions during the Roman Empire. These Roman then build straight roads which help them in transporting their goods and where their army can march.

Romans occupied many places and then used them for their trade purposes and created leisure facilities for their people like spas for instance, The Roman Spa in Bath is a famous place in this country. People who were wealthy enough travelled to visit their friends and families. When the Roman Empire was diminishing people who were involved in the trading internationally and those who love adventure travelled abroad.

A part from pilgrimage, then people started traveling whether in holidays or in “holy” days. This trend started in the middle ages when religious festivals were celebrated with joy, and traditional fairs ...
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