Traumatic Brain Injury (Tbi)

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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)


For this paper, we shall pertain to analyze the basic and most effective strategies, which would help us reduce the whereabouts of brain injury and the kind of treatment that should be intended for the purpose of creating improvement for faster recovery and improvement in the victim's condition.

Psychoanalytical Theory

Psychoanalytical theory is first in psychology, led by Freud, and has made?significant contributions in the field of psychology and psychotherapy, and the methodology of the research to the study of behavior. Unlike the focus on the problem that is limited to exploring the problem that is and discovered that holding the problem, the focus on the solution expands on all the time (exceptions) that no presents the problem or problematic situation brought under control consultant, thereby identifying those patterns of settlement, with emphasis on the development and establishment(Kandel, Schwartz & Jessel, 2000). During the first session is not necessary to speak much of the problem that leads to the consultants to seek therapy with a brief description sufficient to begin the therapeutic work. After this description of the therapist's efforts should focus on finding effective solutions through exceptions (times when the problem does not occur).

The intended result of therapy is to expand the exceptions and this requires a detailed description of these by the consultant, thereby finding patterns that expanding settlement beginning to generate the desired change these therapeutic goals must be defined by the consultant with the support of the therapist in behavioral terms, i.e. in the most concrete and feasible as possible. On the other hand, these goals must involve small changes to achieve the desired change in amount, so it will not be accepted as therapeutic goals changes as soon possible or impracticable, as well as extreme changes.

As commentary, it is important to note that this approach ignores and denies the existence of the concept known as "resistance", commonly used in other types of therapy, in exchange, the therapist has the duty to identify how to cooperate in the consultant or family to do this Steve de Shazer proposed that during the second meeting after being charged with a task or family consultant, his way of answering this gives us an indication of the type of cooperation provided by the consultant, as an example , one can conclude that if the consultant responds to a task by doing the opposite to what was asked. It is necessary that the design of the following tasks are done for the consultant to do the exact opposite

Within the therapeutic work of the session, emphasis is placed himself in the evocation of resources consultant, being that it helps to be generating the solution; also the language of the therapist should direct the consultant to a perceptual and behavioral change. Also makes use of presupposition questions during the session, these questions basically are that the therapist assumes the existence of a solution that already exists in the consulting, thereby producing changes. To carry out therapeutic work met many ...
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