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Transsexualism is a severe gender identity disorder problem in which an individual functions completely opposite and reverses of the sex respective natural sex. It is an extreme disruption of an individual's feeling of confused identification; where there is an in-depth wish to become and act as an opposite sex. The individual may also believe that he or she is "trapped" in a human body of the incorrect sex. In general Transsexualism impacts men to a higher level than it impacts females (Benjamin, 1969).


Causes of Transsexualism

It is not very obvious as to what causes this sex identification problem, although there have been many rumors on this issue. Many researchers believe that this problem can start in the initial growth years of a child. Some most prominent factors that can cause this problem are:

Abnormality in chromosomes.

Disturbance in Hormones.

Lack of appropriate parent-child connection.

Improper upbringing (education and rearing).

Symptoms of Transsexualism

There are a number of symptoms by which parents can diagnose this disorder in the initial stages of their children. Moreover, transsexual symptoms are merely different in children as compare to adults. Therefore, while analyzing people this factor must be essential to review (Leavy, 2008).

Symptoms of Transsexualism in Children

Following are the symptoms of Transsexualism in children

They show multiple signs of becoming opposite gender. For instance, participating in role plays playing opposite gender characters.

At some point of time, these children will express repulsion over their genitals.

Such children will play games that do not match their gender type.

Sometimes, children develop a psychological trait that they will grow up like the opposite gender.

They often get depressed when face rejections from the same sex children.

Symptoms of Transsexualism in Children

Following are the symptoms of Transsexualism in adults.

Transsexual adults express tendencies that are homosexual.

They usually exhibit great disgust for their genitals and often try to remove it.

In social setup, they dress themselves like opposite sex.

They suffer from low self esteem.

Sometimes, such individuals are abandoning from the society and hence, they enter into a crucial phase of depression.

Diagnosis of Transsexualism

If parents observe the signs in their kid and deduce that it could be a sexual identification problem then they may have to search for the immediate support of a doctor focusing on such issues (Hirschfeld, 1923). A complete physical examination is performed to concept out other aspects that may be producing a sexual identification issue. In the case of grownups and adults, close family members may want to search for advice from a professional about the issue. The analysis of sex identification issue is made only if the person is affected or has issues in social, public, or work-related places. Whether kid or grownup, it is quite an upsetting fact to know that there is no known avoidance for Transsexualism (Pauly, 1993).


One of the major complications that can arise from this issue is Suicide. It is the most dangerous and common side-effect of this disorder. Community often isolates these people leading to low self respect and depressive conditions. Depressive disorder often causes suicide. Individuals can take to alcohol or drug ...