Transnet Development Program

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Transnet Senior Manager's Development Program

Transnet Senior Manager's Development Program

Question 1

Values appear to be central to the notion of Organizational Development and Organizational Behaviour. Critically review this concept of values under the following areas.

Answer 1

Values and their importance in Organizational Development and Behaviour

Effective management of organizational values plays a vital role in bringing about positive change in the organization as well as it employees. In the present environment of competition, there are various challenges faced by the management related to diverse workforce, social responsibility, and different opinions over ethics and procedures to attain the set organizational objectives time and again. Nowadays a successful and effective management is not only customer focused and centered but also take care about their employees needs and tries to satisfy their wants. The CEO of Azul Airlines, Neeleman said that stop thinking about the shareholders, concentrate and think about the employees. Hence, employees will focus on customers and then the customers will look after the shareholders in return. So, this signifies the core organizational value of Azul airlines that is customer satisfaction.

In order to form a right balance to attain organizational goals and fulfill employee's needs every business should position their HRM at the right place. Human resource management is a management that involves practice and decisions which influence the workers directly. (Mullins, 2007). The key steps involved in HRM are employee planning, recruitment and selection of the individuals, training and development and maintaining a relationship with employees. (Pettinger, 2007)

In the organizational world of competition and challenges, the core strengths for any organization on which they can rely will always be its employees. Nowadays managing people in organisation has become one of the most crucial process with complexities because the needs and expectations of the employees change frequently and the management should recognize their needs and work on for satisfying them on time. The employees with satisfied needs will deliver their best and will have a stable workforce with one aim for a longer time. The effective organizational management and development strategies through the organizational values can bring about the desired organizational outcomes.

Organizational values also play a vital role in managing the challenges and issues faced by the organization. For example the two major organizational problems/issues faced by one of the major hotels known as Transnet below are high staff turnover and lack of coordination iin teams. Transnet is facing the issue of High Staff Turnover in the hotel for the last two years. The major reason for high staff turnover is that the employees who are working for many years in Transnet with dedication and hard work were not been compensated by the hotel the way they expected. Employees expect benefits like increment in their pay and salary packages, appreciation and recognition in their work from seniors (i.e. employee of the month/year), promotion in their career. All these factors compelled the employees with skills, passion and knowledge to leave Transnet.

Mullins, 2007 stated that the primary reason why employees are leaving the jobs ...