Transitions And Life Stages

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Transitions and Life Stages

Transitions and Life Stages


The study relates to the sociological and psychological influences, which particularly focuses on Val who is divorced woman and has two children Mark and Zoe. In this context of transitions and life stages of Val, it is important to note that when a happily couple turns into a disappointing end, leaves a bitter taste in the mouth for a long time to come. In the similar way, the divorce rate is at an all time high. With more and more people getting a legal separation, the effects of divorce on women are more stressed than men. The only reason for this is women tend to be more emotional than rational thought. A divorce has many facets, beyond their emotional angle. Understanding these dimensions can help you understand the side effects of a divorce much better. This type of separation affects both partners in different ways, depending on their mental capacity to deal with the situation. Let us try to understand some issues that cause discomfort after a divorce in a woman's life.


In context of reintegration of the Val's case, the intergenerational dynamics of divorce is a current phenomenon characterized by the significantly increased risk of divorce for women. From a systemic focus on the individual's social and emotional development, this work started by reviewing the features of marriage and the factors may trigger or determine the experience of the marital rupture (Bee & Boyd, 2008). The usual research on the intergenerational determinants of divorce, either examines the social and economic influences of Val's divorce that is sociological influences which impact upon Val, or both studies the genetic and the environmental dimensions of divorce-prone traits that is psychological influences which impact upon Val. The present work sought to explore these factors.

Relating to Val's case, the current rates of divorce and separation are ever higher. In the 80s and 90s there was a gradual decline in the number of marriages and an increase in the number of divorces. Some population studies North Americans report that two in five marriages result in divorce, and estimate in 26 years the average length of a marriage. Contribute significantly to these statistics marriages contracted at very young ages; for instance, adolescence. Marriage is no longer seen as an institution untouchable and eternal. Of an institution to preserve at all costs, the wedding came to be perceived as a relationship that lasts as long as rewarding for each spouse. In this regard, marriage evolved into a more private, more individual freedom of the spouses.

Childhood is the phase that goes from birth to the age of eleven. It is a time of great learning and new, as it is when we begin to discover the world around us and the relationships between people, start talking and floor, usually initiated studies, learn rules and limits, etc.. Here, we are very dependent on our parents or guardians (Bee & Boyd, 2008). Moreover, adolescence usually go from twelve to twenty years ...
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