Transition Student To Nurse

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Transition Student to Nurse

Transition Student to Nurse


This paper discusses the transition from student to nurse, and the challenges that are faced by the newly qualified nurses with regards to their profession. Furthermore, the ways in which the nurses can overcome the challenges have also been proposed.

Transition from Student to Nurse

When a student opts to choose as nursing for their career, there are many aspects that need to be considered. Some of these aspects are mentioned below.

Respect and Human Dignity

Nurses are expected to treat patients with respect and dignity irrespective of the patient's social status. Moreover, they should ensure human dignity and must also ensure a positive relationship with the patients. Besides this, the nurses must ensure that they understand the nature of the health problems well and work with self-determination. Besides taking care of the patients, the nurses must also have a positive relationship with colleagues and other people they interact with.

Interests of the Patient

The primary aim of the nurses should be to remain committed with patients and to look after their interests. There should not be any conflict of interest for nurses with the nurses for which they must collaborate with the patient well. Moreover, professional boundaries are defined to the nurses, and they must not cross any of them.


Ensuring the patient's privacy is also the duty of nurses and a code of ethics that must be ensured. Therefore, nurses must guarantee confidentiality of the patient more importantly in cases when research is being conducted. For this, an impaired practice must be addressed, and standards and review mechanisms must be implemented.


Nurses are expected to act and perform their duties in a responsible manner and are held accountable for their work. This also includes their judgment and actions they take with regards to the judgments.


Nurses must only respect the patients they treat but, they must also develop moral self-respect. In terms of professional growth, they must strive hard to grow and to maintain their competence. Moreover, they are also expected to have a virtuous character and are expected to preserve their integrity (Lachman 2009, pp.1).

Environment and Values

Nurses must strive hard to improve the health care environments, as well as the conditions of employment. They should make them more conducive for ensuring quality health care and must follow the values. Similarly, they must also assert the values and maintain “intraprofessional” integrity and must encourage social reform (Virginia Nurses Today 2003, pp.2).

Involvement in Health Care Policies

For the development of the health care system, the nurse must advance in their profession. Moreover, they should also get actively involved in all the policy making activities. For advancement, it is important for them to increase their knowledge also to develop themselves. This would help them to implement professional standards in clinical, administrative as well as pedagogic practice (Schmid, 2011, pp.2)


There are many challenges that are faced by the nurses during the transition from a student to nurse. Nurses are a part of the medical staff and are ...
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