Transgender Health Issues

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Transgender Health Issues

Transgender Health Issues


Transgender is a vague term, which attempts to explore different individuals, groups and behaviors entailing tendencies to differ from culturally conservative roles of gender. Transgender is referred as an umbrella term used to describe people of different groups, which includes cross dressers, genderqueer people, transsexual and others. In simple words, transgender is used to describe the individuals or groups; who defying their gender based roles allocated by the society choose to alter, modify or change it in variety of ways (Health Education, n.d).

The term transgender is most commonly used, at present by the people who are uncomfortable with their assigned gender by birth, and deliberately change it. Transgender is the short form of the term implying the same meaning and interpretation. However, the level of transgender exists in a person may very while some being extreme and undertake medical surgeries to satisfy their needs, while other being at normal or average level who avoid undertaking medical surgeries. However, the identity of transgender is not affected by the level, either transgender undertake surgeries or not they shall always be recognized as transgender but with no other terms.

Female to male (FTM) and male to female are the descriptors that are generally used to describe transgender people. However, some people prefer the terms transgender woman or man (same as FTM or MTF), because the terms projects and confirm their chosen character. However, affirmed female and affirmed male are also the terms used synonymously with FTM or MTF (Boxer, Cohler, Herdt et al. 1993). While comparing transgender people with non-transgender people (mostly for medical terms) natal/bio female and natal/bio male are used to describe normal or non-transgender people. It is important for medical practitioners to explicitly define their identity without any hesitation so that assumptions possibility can be eradicated. This will also help in the provision of clear medical guidance. In relation to the above discussion, this paper will discuss the health issues faced by transgender, and how the issue shall be taken care.

Comprehensive Office Practices

In order to make transgender patient feel more comfortable, there are certain simple things which needed adjustment. In relation to this, bathrooms of neutral nature can be one simple step which can leave a positive impact on the patient. Moreover, in admission forms leaving a blank space for gender to be filled out manually or offering an additional box of transgender will help in making transgender people believe that the physician they are visiting recognize them and acknowledge their existence (Bodsworth, Price and Davies, 1994). Furthermore, simple and neutral language usage like partner while asking about the relationship of the transgender patients will help them to be more explicit explaining about their lives. This also removes hesitations and help remove gender biasness in healthcare settings.

Health Inequalities

There are certain health disparities faced by transgender people, similar to other definable groups, if compare with general population. The understanding of these disparities is vital for the development of understand, but the application of ...
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