Transformational Leadership

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Transformational Leadership

Transformational Leadership


A leader is an individual who has the role of leading others. A leader can be considered as the captain of the ship. He leads and guides his or her team members in the right direction. In order to perform this task well he needs to have certain characteristics. In general it is said that a leader should possess few common qualities that lend a hand to him or her to perform the task.

Leadership in Organizations

Leadership and management plays a very important role in making the business reaches its milestone. Leadership and management role which are very important includes: formulating strategies, making business processes efficient, understanding the expectations of employees, making necessary changes before something negative occurs which hampers organizational success(Winans, 2005). In an organization where there is faith in the ability of formal leaders, employees look to leaders for a number of things. During times of drastic change, employees expect effective and efficient planning, trust and effective decision-making, and regular communication and complements that are relevant.

Leadership is a much more diverse concept that affects us all in every aspect of our lives. Persons with some sort of title or position may, in fact, be leaders, but are not necessarily so. Leadership is a unique form of interpersonal influence that causes others to respond voluntarily and enthusiastically. We respond to the leader because we want to, not because we have to(Rowold, 2008). We experience the effect of leadership when someone influences us to accompany him or her to lunch after class, to decide what sort of clothing to wear, or to shape our attitudes toward the rules of the university. In short, most of the important and not so important aspects of our lives are in some way driven by leadership. A leader must be able to communicate well. When asked to define leadership, theorists and practitioners alike frequently use the words "influence," "inspire," and "transform," all of which depend on communication, verbal and nonverbal. Leaders lead through their words and their actions.

Need For Leadership

In organizations characterized by a lack of leadership, employees expect nothing positive. In a climate of distrust, employees learn that the officials concerned to act indecipherable and in a manner that does not appear to be in nobody's interest. Poor leadership means an absence of hope, which, if allowed to continue too long, results in an organization, becomes completely nonfunctional. The organization has to face the unpleasant consequences of change practices, but more importantly, must work under the weight of employees who left, have no faith in the system or in the ability of leaders to turn around the organization.

“Leaders instill in their people a hope for success and a belief in them. And a positive leader empower people to accomplish their goals”

Transformational leaders

Transformational leaders are leaders who are able to infuse the rest of the group, some form of vision or inspiration that motivates them to transcend the common performance goals and make an effort in the interest ...
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