Transformational Journey

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Transformational Journey

Transformational Journey


Life is a vicious cycle and the trap to this vicious cycle is self rejection. There are many types of transformations - physical transformation and spiritual transformation. Sometimes this transformation takes place at an intentional and informed level while at other times; the transformation takes place without the person ever knowing. Transformation can be positive as well as negative. There are transformations that make you feel on top of the world and there are those that take you from bad to worse. The paper discusses my own transformational journey whereby I aimed at reducing 2 to 3 pounds weight in a short span of 5 weeks (Natalia, 2011). It summarizes my experience on a weekly basis and discusses the transformation design that is most relevant to my experience. In the end, I discuss my reflection on the whole experience and the lessons that I have learnt and which will remain with me for the rest of my life.

Summary of the weekly process through the journey

The first week was about getting myself acquainted with the thought of changing my diet and routine. I resolved that it would be a great idea to talk to my family about it in that their much needed support will give me the determination I needed to lose weight. This was important because I knew I had taken up the challenge for the very first time in my life. I am not suggesting that I did not know I had weight issues, I only mean that I did not think it was important for me to lose weight (Edwards, 2000). Fortunately, my wife thought this was her opportunity to shed those extra pounds as well in that if there were two people doing it together it will be easier for both of us. However, I may suggest that nothing else was achieved in this first week in that our diet was essentially the same as before.

In the second week I thought I should take the challenge more seriously and get into an action mode which will also reveal some results. I invited a seminar on “A matter of Health” whereby my wife and I met John Krauss who is the writer of the famous book “Fat sick and nearly dead” and Pamela who is the writer of the book entitled tatattatatataa. The event opened our eyes to what it meant to be on a diet and lose weight and gave us the opportunity to taste a variety of home made products presented. I learned that transformation is a self designed process that gives us the charge of our life. Hence, we were now more aware and willing to change our diet content from meat to more of greens and juices (Zaleski, 2001).

The third week was more goal oriented than the other two weeks. This is the week where my wife and I said goodbye to beef meat and rice that played a big role in the Haitian culture as it is the ...
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