Training And Job Satisfaction

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To What Extent Training at Workplace Increase the Level of Job Satisfaction

Chapter Four: Discussion and Analysis

4.1 Introduction

In this chapter the data which have been collected through primary research would be analyzed. For the analysis purpose and reinforcement of several arguments, in this regards secondary data would also be used, in order to attain the aims and objectives of the study to proof whether training and development at workplace increase the level of job satisfaction or not. To answer our research question by analyzing the collected and available data, graphs, images and charts will also be incorporated in this chapter for better understanding of the results. The charts will also be accompanied by description of the data and statistics. The data has been analyzed using excel spreadsheet in order to avoid any genre of confusion, though using excel spreadsheet would also be helpful in minimizing the error associated with the analysis.

4.2 Questionnaire structure and result analysis

A questionnaire has been formed in order to formulate the answer of the research questions. The questionnaire is structured in a way to observe the attitude and behavior of the respondents. Different question has been designed in a way to record the level of satisfaction from job, and the frequency of training programmes organised at the institute. However, the structure of the questionnaire can be divided into four different parts. First part is to document the background information of the respondents, second part concerned with the frequency of training programmes at the university and with the attitude of the respondents towards the training.

Third part of the questionnaire attempted to record the level of job satisfaction presently employees of Effat University feel, and the final part of the questionnaire is designed in a way to receive feedback of the nature of current training programmes and what type of changes respondents suggests in the current training programmes.

4.2.1 General characteristics of the respondents

A total of 40 people were selected as the sample of age group 25 or above, who have been chosen through random sampling method, which is ten percent of the complete universe, thus the result is applicable to the complete population. The key characteristics sample of the research possess are measured in terms of their age, gender, service length, and their present designation. From the documented background information of sample Table 1.1 is formed.

Table I: Age Group of Respondent


Number of Respondents





35 and above



Figure 4.1: Length of service at Effat University

Figure 4.2: Respondents job classification

Type of job



Managerial or related occupation



Faculty or professional occupation



Services and office occupation


17. 5%

Not Classified







From the above table and chart it is clear that most of the respondents were from the age group of 25-35, however only a few respondents from 35 or above have been selected. The logical explanation for choosing the young workforce to observe the level of job satisfaction is that mostly people of this age group change their jobs or show lack of interest in the work. That is why most of the respondents were ...
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