Training And Development: Men's Wearhouse

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Training and Development: Men's Wearhouse

Training and Development: Men's Wearhouse


Men's Wearhouse was established in 1973 and is the largest specialty retailer of men wears. Men's Wearhouse is listed among 100 Fortune companies. The company has 1,165 stores all through North America. In Canada, Men's Wearhouse operates under the name of Moores and has more than 100 stores. In addition, the company has global operation that deal in corporate apparel and the group consisted of Twin Hill and Yaffy in US and UK, respectively.

Nowadays, business environment become highly competitive and to survive in highly competitive environment, employers look at their workforce to gain competitive advantage. Men's Wearhouse also offers significant attention to train and develop their talented pool of employees to increase business profitability and survive in the marketplace. This paper determine how Men's Wearhouse identifies training needs, training methods used, use of both internal and external resources, describe training programs, measures the effectiveness of the training program, ways talent is developed, significance of training and development, role does training and development play in the Men Wearhouse's ability to attract and retain talented employees.


Men's Wearhouse offers high emphasis on the training and development of employees. Men's Wearhouse uses three steps of need identification: organizational, person and task analysis. At the organizational level, the alignment of training is assessed with the business strategy to determine how training affects the relationship of employees with customers, how training is aligned with strategic business needs, and to examine perception of employees and managers about training programs. At person analysis, each employee training need will be identified to look at which business or function units need training and what do employees require to do to attain objectives of the business. This helps in determining who must be trained (core employees, professionals and managers). At task analysis, ...