Training And Development In Hilton Hotels

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Training and Development in Hilton Hotels


Hilton Hotels3

IHRM Strategy of Hilton Hotels4


Training & Development5

Employee Engagement6




International Human Resources Management (IHRM) is the process which includes managing the human resources for international operations of the company. Managers and supervisors are trained for this purpose to guide and support the employees of the company in foreign countries (Davidson, McPhail, and Barry, 2011). Hotel companies, while expanding their business globally, also need to allocate their resources efficiently in order to sustain global growth (Garlick, 2010).

This paper is based on discussing the role of IHRM in the growth of the company. In addition to that, it intends to identify the approaches to human resources being used by Hilton Hotels. The approaches include recruiting, training and development, performance evaluation as well as staffing issues. Lastly, it will also provide recommendations for the company in order to avoid the staffing issues being faced by the company and help them in achieving sustained growth.

Hilton Hotels

Hilton Hotels is one of the biggest names in the hotel industry. The company is among the fastest growing hotel companies with having locations in the major cities of the world. Hilton International Hotel Group has a very broad portfolio of hotel brands throughout the globe; one of them includes Hilton Hotels. The company is operating in 66 countries around the world, operating 380 hotels worldwide. The total number of workforce of the company is 80,000 employees (both nationally and internationally). These employees have to look after almost 8 million guests each year, which reflects the strength of the company (Garlick, 2010).

According to senior executives of the company, Hilton Hotels support their managing of human resources through continuous training and development being provided to the employees of the company. This helps the company to be a competitive force in the global marketplace. Learning has always been a major part of the entire strategy of the company, and they follow it persistently (Hilton Worldwide, 2012c). The company is decentralized in structure, by expanding their administrative authority from one location to many other locations worldwide. It allows the initiatives to be exercised by the consent of all the managers and the decision makers of the company.

Human Resources Strategy of Hilton Hotels

Hilton Hotels, as an internationally acclaimed and prestigious hotel, has been adopting policies that would ensure the quality of service being provided to the customers of the company. The management has kept trends in many areas and particularly in the department of human resources; it has adopted a human resource strategy just like any other incredibly managed international organization. The international human resources management of Hilton Hotels is comprised of recruitment, training and development, performance evaluation, recognitions and rewards, diversity, and staffing issues (Gibb, 2003).


The recruitment strategy being adopted by Hilton Hotels is broad in nature, as they are involved in international business. In general, there include three different approaches in staffing and managing company's employees. These three approaches are ethnocentric approach, polycentric approach, and geocentric ...