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Tracking, in a general sense refers to observing the people or the objects that are on the move. It involves delivering a pattern or a sequence of a concerned location data. In virtual technology, it is referred as a system which has an ability of providing a space that is virtual to an observer whilst tracking the coordinates of the observer's body. A head tracker, for instance, is responsible for providing a feedback to the processor, thus allowing selection for an appropriate head concerning transfer functions, in accordance with the current position of an observer's environment. There are countless tracking systems. Some are real time tracking systems, while others are lag- time indicators (Miller and Zittleman, 2012). GPS (Global Positioning System) is a real time tracking system that largely depends on how a data is refreshed. Bar code systems largely depend on the user for scanning items and then identifying them automatically. Separate hardware and software are used as tracking devices for various applications. Apart from all this, tracking is also widely used in organizations for data tracking and banks for the purpose of tracking client information. Tracking has also enabled the service sector discover important trends in the purchasing behavior of the consumers.

All in all, the tracking devices are now widely used for the purpose of keeping in touch with one another, mostly for the purpose of safety and security of the loved ones and of one's property, for instance personal belongings, like a car. In our discussion we will be focusing on the trends in tracking over the years and how have these trends changed. We will also be discussing three scenarios in this paper.

Trends in tracking

Tracking history can be traced back to the times when the early man learned how to hunt. Man used animals to track for hunt, mostly dogs. Tracking concept therefore is an old concept. Back then the world did not advance the way it is today. With the advancement in technology and with innovations in the production and manufacturing, tracking has gained immense popularity and has also made things a lot easier, than they were in the past.

Global Positioning System (GPS) is a widely used system for tracking purposes. It was initially invented by the US department of defense for the military purposes. It is a satellite system for navigational purposes, designed for the purpose of navigation. It was used by the military for keeping an eye on the movement of the enemies. It gave the United States of America an upper hand on their enemies. Later as technology advanced, it was adopted by the militaries of different countries (Miller and Zittleman, 2012).

It's now gaining immense importance in today's modern world. It uses satellites as a reference point for the purpose of calculating positions related to the geographical locations. With the help of this device, one can make calculations in an accurate manner, regarding the location of a person or a device, for that ...
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