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Total Quality Management

Illustrate how you understand a range of quality controls and how service to the customer can be improved


Organizations are trying to manage their quality as efficiently as possible. The reason quality management for the organizations have become so important is due to its impact of cost. In business, quality can be defined as something which is manageable. The quality management can range from several departments to different processes. There are different tools for quality management which ensures the development of the organizational processes.

Subheading 1 - explain how quality management can be measured

In business quality management is different from the quality management in regular context. In business managing in order to gain efficiency can be referred as quality management. Businesses use different techniques for measuring the quality management. This is mainly about the statistical process control SPC. Statistical process control is defined as the collection of data from the organizations operations and management, detailed analysis of process and activities. This analysis is not restricted only to these; it also embraces analysis for things such as customer satisfaction, wastage and costs. Customer satisfaction has a direct relationship with the organizations quality management good management makes sure that customers are satisfied with the quality of services they are getting form the organization (Stapenhurst, 2005, pp. 21-59).

Source: http://www.slideshare.net/harivasan_y2k/productivity-framework-10511880

In order to maintain the quality in the management, it is important to analyse the defined and measured aspects. This can improve the control of the management which will lead to the efficiency.

In order to measure the quality management and efficiently using its result for the betterment, SPC is used by most of the organization. There are many tools associated with the SPC. Control charts are used for the monitoring purpose. It not only helps the user to take the action which is suitable but also improves the efficiency of the process overtime. There are also some other methodologies available for measuring the quality management. Six Sigma is the current method which is highly appreciated by the organizations (Gitlow et.al, 2005,pp.141-154). These methods and tools ensure that the quality of design and development, manufacturing to delivery is according to the standards. By monitoring the quality processes, the efficiency of the quality management can be monitored. Continuous monitoring is very important for maintaining the quality standards (Gammon 2004, pp. 222- 228).

Subheading 2 - evaluate the benefit of user and non-user surveys in determining customer needs

For any organization, it is very necessary to evaluate the customer need, because customer is the one for which the organization is carrying out business basically. So it is very important to evaluate customer according to the business requirements. Some factors like, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, effective communication with customer and his responses can add value to the business processes. Spotting trends are very useful, by asking the masses about their opinion can provide the organizations with important information which can be used for the improvement in customer management (Albert et.al, 2010, ...
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