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The concept of stakeholders and their role in the improvement of the company became more apparent as the improvement of models of TQM flourished. Criterion for M. Baldrige Award for performance improvements reads, "The results should be used to control the process of creating value for the key stakeholders: customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, partners, and society. Creating value for key stakeholders, your organization will gain credibility and contribution to the economy. "Assignment of shareholders and employees to the category of stakeholders is a huge step (Soltani& Meer, 2005). Because of this, a new vision of the organization, where the division of power and profits - more than the result of conflicts between divisions and ideological divisions that weaken the activities of companies and economic systems, and the free choice that companies can do to contribute to its successful long-term operation in the tough world of global competition. This assignment will talk about the TQM in Sony and the effect of shareholder interaction in it.


This philosophy of quality management is based on,

A customer focus and the rest of society affected by the organization: as the client is the main judge of the quality, organizations must understand their needs and then meet them. They must build strong and sustainable relationships with them and critically analyze the attributes of those products and services that help increase the perceived value for them. The satisfaction and loyalty generation depend primarily on the perception of value addition concept: any activity that modifies or changes the form, fit or function of a product to meet customer requirements, a job for which the latter is willing to pay. Focus on the customer, not simply implies content to end users or consumers of a particular product. This process requires a thorough knowledge of all the industries, functional areas and teams within an organization, each operator, supervisor, line manager, manager or external provider, should be identified as an internal customer. Therefore, it is understood that if a provider is not satisfied with the relationship it has with its customer (contracting organization), the latter will lose a customer (internal), and consequently incur a strategic competition link will generate conflicts to time to attract new external customers (Soltani& Meer, 2005).

Active employee participation and teamwork: be argued that employees, who have a thorough knowledge of their duties, are best able to improve them. Management must develop systems and procedures that create a climate of participation and teamwork. Empowerment will recognize the commitment and trust necessary for employees to be able to make decisions and learn from their mistakes and their successes. The prevailing organizational learning need: assimilate and grasp new concepts, adapting those so affective particular business situations, reinforcing the existence of cross-functional teams, including troubleshooting teams, quality circles, vertical and horizontal alliances (Ramasamy, 2005).

A Continuous Improvement Process

Involves the creation of value through the creation of new products and services, reduction of errors, defects, waste and costs of non-quality, seeks to increase the productivity and effectiveness of the processes and increase ...
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