Tourist Destination Fluctuations

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Tourist Destination Fluctuations

Tourist Destination Fluctuations


The basic aim of this paper is to provide information regarding the popularity of tourist designations. It would include the factors that cause designations to fluctuate in popularity. It would also include examples in order to explore the factors contributing to tourist designations. The popularity of tourist destinations is not stable, but changing with the passage of time. There are various factures that cause the changes in the attractiveness of tourist destinations. The paper would be identifying and discussing these factors in detail. The industry of tourism around the globe is rapidly changing due to many factors that would be discussed in the paper.


The industry of tourism is considered to be the largest industry around the globe. Historically, people used to travel from one place to another; but the major reason for travelling was not for the sake of pleasure. However, with the changing world and increasing globalization people are travelling around the globe in order to fulfill the need for pleasure. The term “tourism” includes the travelling of people from one place to another in order to recreate, explore and enjoy different places and people. The basic characteristics of tourism include movement of citizens between two or more destination, temporary time for movement, and the purpose of enjoying (Hudman and Jackson, 2003, pp.92). The term tourism does not take into account the travelling that people do for the sake of their work. It purely includes those travelling that are done for the sake of spending holidays, vacations and other leisure time.

The popularity of destinations for tourist is rapidly changing with the passage of time. It is not common for people to choose a particular destination of tourism for life term. They choose different locations for spending their holidays and other leisure time. There are many factors that influence the decision making of tourists while choosing a destination for spending their holidays, vacations and other leisure times. For example: a person or family may choose to select a different destination for every tourism trip. They are keener to explore more and more locations and people of those locations. The decision of choosing the destination for tourism in order to explore more locations would impact the decision of tourists. On the other hand, there are factors of destinations that would influence the decision of tourists while choosing a specific location for tourism. For example: tourists may avoid going to a country with bad law and order situations. There is large number of tourists that used to go to Asian countries in order to spend their leisure time. However, the threat of terrorism is restricting those tourists to look for some other destinations that are more safe and secure. It would impact the popularity of tourists in countries that are not secure. The destination marketing organizations' campaigns related to promotions is an important element of popularity in a destination. The basic aim and objectives of such campaign is to create awareness of benefits that ...