Tourism Management

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Tourism Management


Sport and Adventure tourism are the fast growing industries they can help the economy and cultural scenario of the particular country at much extent. (Hinch & Higham, 2004). There are various negative impact of hosting sport tourism because of the expected advantage for the community and local business often cause potential community to ignore any negative effect that may held. These may include putting the country in globalized and advanced world, presenting the destination, to enhance and develop the political scenario, creation of new types of established businesses, attractive investment, take out jobs and urban recreation including housing, and infrastructure will greatly help to the development of the country and citizens get benefited for over an along period of time. As every picture has two sides, one negative and other positive. Similarly sports tourism and adventure tourism have negative as well as positive aspects. Positive sides include the main focus on local benefits; Recent strategy can assist increasing funds for the protection and care of environment, education and research development through different ways, the entrance fees for sports and big events, hotels expenditure, airline and airport taxes and the voluntary assistance. The community of a particular destination is also getting benefited. The creation of jobs by tourism can play a very important and motivational role to minimize emigration. Local people can also enhance their impact on the development of tourism, as well as also can improve their job, prospects of earning, by tourism-linked professional training, progress of business and development of organizational skills. Sports tourism can enhance the interaction between people as tourism open up the different ways of education it can promote the understanding between peoples and cultures and enhance the opportunity to exchange the cultural heritage between visitors and hosts. Due to this the chances of developing mutual understanding enhances and sympathy for each other also takes place in their hearts and prejudices will definitely minimize (Knowles, 2004). Negative aspects of sports tourism and adventure tourism can create excessive need for land and competition from the developing would-be buyers. The need for more tourist facilities and hotels brings sources of earnings to builders, landowners and real estate agent but the local people living in that area are pushed to pay more for their residencies and larger tax duties enhances in land values. Increasing needs for basic necessities from visitors will often cause a rise in cost that leave a negative impact on local residents whose earnings does not raise proportionally. On the other side tourism development may cause increased prices of goods. The problem with seasonal workers is another negative thing. The insecurity of their jobs, after the completion of that event's project. Thus, there will be no guarantee of job from one season to another.

Adventure and Sports TourismManagementIntroduction


'Adventure Tourism' can be define as A journey to enjoy holidays or to spend leisure time that involves several entertaining activities that keep one's mind fresh, including the rugged activities for adventure lovers, whereas Sports tourism means worldwide tours ...
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