Tourism In Vietnam

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Tourism in Vietnam

Tourism in Vietnam


Tourism industry is one of the most attractive industries for the customer. However, despite its attractiveness, its survival is at risk. The number of tourists is declining, and holidays and vacations are not the first priority of customers. Tourism and travelling companies have faced enormous losses recently. Therefore, they must identify their strength, overcome their weakness, foresee the new trends of the industry and prepare a backup plan for their treats (Smith, 2011, p. 1).

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis method is strategic planning used for the assessment of factors and phenomena, project influencing or enterprise. All factors are divided into four categories: strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats. The method includes determining the goals of the project and identification of internal and external factors that contribute to its achievement or complicating it.


Significant natural-ecological, historical and artistic and recreational potential.

The possibility of holding exhibitions, seminars and thematic conferences on the oil and gas field in close proximity to places of substantial deposits.

The existence of cultural and historical monuments of Federal significance.

Availability of public and commercial organizations that can contribute to the development of tourism.

Holding mass events business and entertainment plan, i.e. the event tourism.

Realization of joint projects with the autonomous regions of the Vietnam and neighboring regions in the promotion of adventurous tours.

Improving the competitiveness of tourist industry of the Vietnam region by conducting a focused regional policies and the integration of actors in the tourism market (Hospitality Directions, 2011).


Underdeveloped tourist infrastructure.

The absence of regulatory legislation in the area of tourism at the level of Vietnam Federation, region, local.

Weak move on Vietnam region on the domestic and international markets.

Lack of visibility and attractiveness of the image in the region, the Vietnam federation and the world.

Lack of sectoral statistics, information and management support to the development of tourism.

The shortage of trained manpower in the tourism industry.

Lack of price and quality of services.

The remoteness of the Vietnam region from complicated world

In fact, the population of the region to work with tourists.

Poorly developed transportation system to deliver tourists both from abroad and on domestic lines (Smith, 2011, p. 1).


Advantageous geographical position to attract tourists (at the intersection of strategic transport corridors: East-West, North-South).

The availability of budgetary capacity to target financial support to the tourism industry (economically strong region) and social support for specific population groups.

High effective demand and stable socio-economic situation in the area, contributing to the establishment of a regional demand for travel services.

Possibility of growth of the market of tourism services, with efficient use of existing infrastructure.

Attraction of foreign and Vietnam investors to finance the development of tourism infrastructure, Vietnam region.

Sustainable perception of Vietnam region as territory, attractive for domestic tourism consumer groups (within a region of the country, abroad).

The increased interest of citizens in the historical and cultural heritage (Euro monitor, 2011, ...
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