Tourism And Travel

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Tourism and Travel

Travel and Tourism Sector

Travel and Tourism Sector

Q.1 A: The Development of British Tourism Sector from Earlier Times

The History of British Tourism

The beginning of tourism in British started with the medieval pilgrimage. However, the pilgrimages were considered for religious reasons , but they seem as vacation experience. It was away from the ordinary lives of the people for a holy purpose so does the term derived holy-day. The pilgrims were used to bring the relics back from their trips to shrine with an idea of souvenirs. With this idea, they recognized the benefits of gaining credit with foreign banks and also achieved to obtain the cheap transportation for medieval pilgrimage.

The Grand Tour

During the 16th century, taking a Grand Tour was considered as fashionable in England. Although, taking an extended tour of Europe was considered as an essential practice for social and educational purpose where many wealthy families consider this trip necessary for their children to see the major cities of Europe. These experiences can be recognized today as students and hordes along with their backpacks eagerly make their way to see and know more of the world.


During the 18th century, British Spas were considered as mineral water with curable powers which became extremely important for health tourism. This mineral water was claimed to cure all the ailments and disorders, bathing in a spa was undertaken as medicinal bathing (History of British Tourism, 2013).

The concept of the spa is counted back to the times of Romans. These ideas later were evolved as fashionable spa which was offering most fashionable resorts. With the increase in idea, there were many other spas and wells that boomed during the period. People visited these areas for social events and for recreation purposes where bathing was considered as health through water.

In the 19th century, there was intense competition from continental health resorts which adversely affected the British spas. This resulted in gradual replacement of British spas with the holidays beside the sea which encouraged the tourism in Britain.


During the time of industrialization, the move become easier , and as Britain become more industrialized it was more affordable as a tourist destination. There were many arrivals to Britain who spent disposable income and have leisure time to experience travel. The middle-class was comprised of merchants and the factory owners which were among the first Britain's to travel for pleasure and travelled solely (History of British Tourism, 2013).

The first package tour

The origin of the British tourism produced after the companies started to charge the passengers with fares of railway tickets and establishing contacts between the passengers and the company. There have been railway expeditions which included the food, entertainment and attractions for the journey in train. The growth of the tourism industry in the Victorian Britain was recognized rapidly which started with the support by increase in the middle-class. This class had time apart from work and were involved in tourism because of their affordability of ...